[kde-doc-english] [smb4k] doc: Updated handbook.

Alexander Reinholdt alexander.reinholdt at kdemail.net
Mon Dec 22 20:04:29 UTC 2014

Git commit eead581b807e3fc3987ce5f892644a1b2e1067b9 by Alexander Reinholdt.
Committed on 22/12/2014 at 20:04.
Pushed by areinholdt into branch 'master'.

Updated handbook.

M  +151  -151  doc/index.docbook


diff --git a/doc/index.docbook b/doc/index.docbook
index eb6efe3..82261f3 100644
--- a/doc/index.docbook
+++ b/doc/index.docbook
@@ -822,157 +822,7 @@
-<!-- Using Smb4K : Bookmarks -->
-<sect1 id="mainwindow_bookmarks">
-<title>Handling Bookmarks</title>
-<sect2 id="mainwindow_add_bookmarks">
-<title>Adding Bookmarks</title>
-<para>You can add bookmarks to your favorite shares from within the <link linkend="network_neighborhood_browser">network neighborhood browser</link>, the <link linkend="mounted_shares_view">shares view</link> and the <link linkend="plasmoid">plasmoid</link>. In the dock widgets of the main window, this is done by selecting one or multiple shares and clicking the <menuchoice><guimenuitem>Add Bookmark</guimenuitem></menuchoice> action. In the plasmoid, you click the respective bookmark action next to the item's name. A dialog will then pop up where you can add a label and/or assign a group to the bookmark.</para>
-<screeninfo>Screenshot of the bookmarks addition dialog</screeninfo>
-<imagedata fileref="dialog_bookmark_addition.png" format="PNG" />
-<phrase>Bookmarks addition dialog</phrase>
-<para>Especially adding a group may help you to organize the bookmarks. In the bookmark menu, all bookmarks belonging to one group will be arranged in a submenu with the group entry as parent (see <link linkend="mainwindow_bookmarks_menu">below</link>).</para>
-<para>The label can be any text describing the share. In case you define a label, it will be displayed in the bookmarks menu instead of the UNC by default. If you want to change this behavior, you can do so in the <link linkend="configuration_user_interface_misc_bookmarks">configuration dialog</link>.</para>
-<sect2 id="mainwindow_bookmarks_menu">
-<title>Accessing and Managing Bookmarks</title>
-<para>In the main window, the bookmarks can be accessed and managed through the <guilabel>Bookmarks</guilabel> menu:</para>
-  <screeninfo>Screenshot of the bookmark popup menu</screeninfo>
-  <mediaobject>
-    <imageobject>
-      <imagedata fileref="popup_menu_bookmarks.png" format="PNG" />
-    </imageobject>
-    <textobject>
-      <phrase>Bookmark popup menu</phrase>
-    </textobject>
-  </mediaobject>
-<para>In the menu there are two static items available:</para>
-  <varlistentry>
-    <term>
-      <menuchoice>
-        <guimenuitem>Edit Bookmarks</guimenuitem>
-      </menuchoice>
-    </term>
-    <listitem>
-      <para>Open the <link linkend="mainwindow_bookmarks_editor">bookmark editor</link>. This action is disabled if there are no bookmarks.</para>
-    </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-    <term>
-      <menuchoice>
-        <shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl; <keycap>B</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
-        <guimenuitem>Add Bookmark</guimenuitem>
-      </menuchoice>
-    </term>
-    <listitem>
-      <para>Add a bookmark. A share has to be selected to enable this action.</para>
-    </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-<para>In case you have not defined any groups, there is a third item:</para>
-  <varlistentry>
-    <term>
-      <menuchoice>
-        <guimenuitem>Mount All Bookmarks</guimenuitem>
-      </menuchoice>
-    </term>
-    <listitem>
-      <para>Mount all top-level bookmarks at once. It is disabled if all bookmarked shares are mounted.</para>
-    </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-<para>All other entries are either group submenus or shares that do not belong to a group. All entries are listed alphabetically and the bookmarks may either appear with their UNC address or descriptive label. By clicking a bookmark, the respective share is mounted. If a bookmarked share is mounted on the system, the bookmark entry is disabled.</para>
-<para>For each group there is a submenu. It contains all bookmarks belonging to the group and a <guimenuitem>Mount All Bookmarks</guimenuitem> menu item. The latter one can be used to mount all bookmarks in that submenu at once.</para>
-<para>The plasmoid provides a <link linkend="plasmoid_bookmarks"><guilabel>Bookmarks</guilabel> tab</link> where all bookmarks are arranged in a similar way as in the bookmark menu. The bookmark groups and the bookmarks are listed in the view. Bookmarked shares can be mounted by clicking the respective entry. In the tool bar two actions are present: <guimenuitem>Back</guimenuitem> and <guimenuitem>Edit</guimenuitem>. By clicking <guimenuitem>Back</guimenuitem> you can get back to the top level if you entered a group folder. The <guimenuitem>Edit</guimenuitem> action will open the <link linkend="mainwindow_bookmarks_editor">bookmark editor</link>.</para>
-<sect2 id="mainwindow_bookmarks_editor">
-<title>Editing Bookmarks</title>
-<para>The bookmarks may be edited or removed via the bookmark editor. It can be opened by clicking the <guimenuitem>Edit Bookmarks</guimenuitem> action in the main window or the <guimenuitem>Edit</guimenuitem> action in the <guilabel>Bookmarks</guilabel> tab of the plasmoid.</para>
-<screeninfo>Screenshot of the bookmark editor</screeninfo>
-<imagedata fileref="dialog_bookmark_editor.png" format="PNG" />
-<phrase>Bookmark editor</phrase>
-<para>In the tree view the bookmarks are arranged according to the groups they belong to. Bookmarks without groups are located at the top level. To rearrange bookmarks, the tree view offers drag and drop capabilities, so that you can move bookmarks around using the mouse.</para>
-<para>If you want to edit a bookmark, you can do so by selecting it. The stored label, login, IP address and group name appear in the input widgets and become editable. In most cases, you do not need to touch the IP address and the login, because &smb4k; stored the correct values at the time you bookmarked the share. However, if the server got a different IP address (⪚ because DHCP is used on your local network) or your login changed, these entries should be adjusted. With the label you can give each bookmark a custom description. It will be used <emphasis>instead</emphasis> of the UNC address in the case this feature is enabled in the <link linkend="configuration_user_interface_misc_bookmarks">configuration dialog</link>. The group entry, finally, helps you to organize your bookmarks. Especially if you use ⪚ your notebook at home and at work, it might be a good idea to create two groups "Home" and "Work" and save the bookmarks accordingly.</para>
-<para>The tree view also offers a popup menu containing the following three actions. They can be used to add groups or remove groups and/or bookmarks.</para>
-<screeninfo>Screenshot of the popup menu of the bookmark editor</screeninfo>
-<imagedata fileref="popup_menu_bookmark_editor.png" format="PNG" />
-<phrase>Popup menu of the bookmark editor</phrase>
-<guimenuitem>Add Group</guimenuitem>
-<para>Add a bookmark group. After you created a group, you can move bookmarks to it.</para>
-<para>Remove a selected bookmark. This action is disabled if no bookmark is selected.</para>
-<guimenuitem>Clear Bookmarks</guimenuitem>
-<para>Remove all bookmarks from the tree view including all groups.</para>
-<para>After you finished editing, the changes can be committed by clicking the <guibutton>OK</guibutton> button.</para>
-<!-- System tray -->
+<!-- Using Smb4K : The System Tray Widget -->
 <sect1 id="systemtray">
 <title>The System Tray Widget</title>
@@ -1238,6 +1088,156 @@
+<!-- Using Smb4K : Bookmarks -->
+<sect1 id="mainwindow_bookmarks">
+<title>Handling Bookmarks</title>
+<sect2 id="mainwindow_add_bookmarks">
+<title>Adding Bookmarks</title>
+<para>You can add bookmarks to your favorite shares from within the <link linkend="network_neighborhood_browser">network neighborhood browser</link>, the <link linkend="mounted_shares_view">shares view</link> and the <link linkend="plasmoid">plasmoid</link>. In the dock widgets of the main window, this is done by selecting one or multiple shares and clicking the <menuchoice><guimenuitem>Add Bookmark</guimenuitem></menuchoice> action. In the plasmoid, you click the respective bookmark action next to the item's name. A dialog will then pop up where you can add a label and/or assign a group to the bookmark.</para>
+<screeninfo>Screenshot of the bookmarks addition dialog</screeninfo>
+<imagedata fileref="dialog_bookmark_addition.png" format="PNG" />
+<phrase>Bookmarks addition dialog</phrase>
+<para>Especially adding a group may help you to organize the bookmarks. In the bookmark menu, all bookmarks belonging to one group will be arranged in a submenu with the group entry as parent (see <link linkend="mainwindow_bookmarks_menu">below</link>).</para>
+<para>The label can be any text describing the share. In case you define a label, it will be displayed in the bookmarks menu instead of the UNC by default. If you want to change this behavior, you can do so in the <link linkend="configuration_user_interface_misc_bookmarks">configuration dialog</link>.</para>
+<sect2 id="mainwindow_bookmarks_menu">
+<title>Accessing and Managing Bookmarks</title>
+<para>In the main window, the bookmarks can be accessed and managed through the <guilabel>Bookmarks</guilabel> menu:</para>
+  <screeninfo>Screenshot of the bookmark popup menu</screeninfo>
+  <mediaobject>
+    <imageobject>
+      <imagedata fileref="popup_menu_bookmarks.png" format="PNG" />
+    </imageobject>
+    <textobject>
+      <phrase>Bookmark popup menu</phrase>
+    </textobject>
+  </mediaobject>
+<para>In the menu there are two static items available:</para>
+  <varlistentry>
+    <term>
+      <menuchoice>
+        <guimenuitem>Edit Bookmarks</guimenuitem>
+      </menuchoice>
+    </term>
+    <listitem>
+      <para>Open the <link linkend="mainwindow_bookmarks_editor">bookmark editor</link>. This action is disabled if there are no bookmarks.</para>
+    </listitem>
+  </varlistentry>
+  <varlistentry>
+    <term>
+      <menuchoice>
+        <shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl; <keycap>B</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
+        <guimenuitem>Add Bookmark</guimenuitem>
+      </menuchoice>
+    </term>
+    <listitem>
+      <para>Add a bookmark. A share has to be selected to enable this action.</para>
+    </listitem>
+  </varlistentry>
+<para>In case you have not defined any groups, there is a third item:</para>
+  <varlistentry>
+    <term>
+      <menuchoice>
+        <guimenuitem>Mount All Bookmarks</guimenuitem>
+      </menuchoice>
+    </term>
+    <listitem>
+      <para>Mount all top-level bookmarks at once. It is disabled if all bookmarked shares are mounted.</para>
+    </listitem>
+  </varlistentry>
+<para>All other entries are either group submenus or shares that do not belong to a group. All entries are listed alphabetically and the bookmarks may either appear with their UNC address or descriptive label. By clicking a bookmark, the respective share is mounted. If a bookmarked share is mounted on the system, the bookmark entry is disabled.</para>
+<para>For each group there is a submenu. It contains all bookmarks belonging to the group and a <guimenuitem>Mount All Bookmarks</guimenuitem> menu item. The latter one can be used to mount all bookmarks in that submenu at once.</para>
+<para>The plasmoid provides a <link linkend="plasmoid_bookmarks"><guilabel>Bookmarks</guilabel> tab</link> where all bookmarks are arranged in a similar way as in the bookmark menu. The bookmark groups and the bookmarks are listed in the view. Bookmarked shares can be mounted by clicking the respective entry. In the tool bar two actions are present: <guimenuitem>Back</guimenuitem> and <guimenuitem>Edit</guimenuitem>. By clicking <guimenuitem>Back</guimenuitem> you can get back to the top level if you entered a group folder. The <guimenuitem>Edit</guimenuitem> action will open the <link linkend="mainwindow_bookmarks_editor">bookmark editor</link>.</para>
+<sect2 id="mainwindow_bookmarks_editor">
+<title>Editing Bookmarks</title>
+<para>The bookmarks may be edited or removed via the bookmark editor. It can be opened by clicking the <guimenuitem>Edit Bookmarks</guimenuitem> action in the main window or the <guimenuitem>Edit</guimenuitem> action in the <guilabel>Bookmarks</guilabel> tab of the plasmoid.</para>
+<screeninfo>Screenshot of the bookmark editor</screeninfo>
+<imagedata fileref="dialog_bookmark_editor.png" format="PNG" />
+<phrase>Bookmark editor</phrase>
+<para>In the tree view the bookmarks are arranged according to the groups they belong to. Bookmarks without groups are located at the top level. To rearrange bookmarks, the tree view offers drag and drop capabilities, so that you can move bookmarks around using the mouse.</para>
+<para>If you want to edit a bookmark, you can do so by selecting it. The stored label, login, IP address and group name appear in the input widgets and become editable. In most cases, you do not need to touch the IP address and the login, because &smb4k; stored the correct values at the time you bookmarked the share. However, if the server got a different IP address (⪚ because DHCP is used on your local network) or your login changed, these entries should be adjusted. With the label you can give each bookmark a custom description. It will be used <emphasis>instead</emphasis> of the UNC address in the case this feature is enabled in the <link linkend="configuration_user_interface_misc_bookmarks">configuration dialog</link>. The group entry, finally, helps you to organize your bookmarks. Especially if you use ⪚ your notebook at home and at work, it might be a good idea to create two groups "Home" and "Work" and save the bookmarks accordingly.</para>
+<para>The tree view also offers a popup menu containing the following three actions. They can be used to add groups or remove groups and/or bookmarks.</para>
+<screeninfo>Screenshot of the popup menu of the bookmark editor</screeninfo>
+<imagedata fileref="popup_menu_bookmark_editor.png" format="PNG" />
+<phrase>Popup menu of the bookmark editor</phrase>
+<guimenuitem>Add Group</guimenuitem>
+<para>Add a bookmark group. After you created a group, you can move bookmarks to it.</para>
+<para>Remove a selected bookmark. This action is disabled if no bookmark is selected.</para>
+<guimenuitem>Clear Bookmarks</guimenuitem>
+<para>Remove all bookmarks from the tree view including all groups.</para>
+<para>After you finished editing, the changes can be committed by clicking the <guibutton>OK</guibutton> button.</para>
 <!-- Using Smb4K : Profiles -->
 <sect1 id="profiles">

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