[kde-doc-english] [kdepim/frameworks] doc: It was removed

Montel Laurent montel at kde.org
Tue Aug 5 20:49:11 UTC 2014

Git commit 0a9dcf2413e3e59bcddf83ae9a66494767ecf388 by Montel Laurent.
Committed on 05/08/2014 at 20:48.
Pushed by mlaurent into branch 'frameworks'.

It was removed

M  +0    -1    doc/CMakeLists.txt
D  +0    -2    doc/kabcclient/CMakeLists.txt
D  +0    -464  doc/kabcclient/index.docbook
D  +0    -411  doc/kabcclient/man-kabcclient.1.docbook


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-kdoctools_create_handbook(index.docbook INSTALL_DESTINATION ${HTML_INSTALL_DIR}/en SUBDIR kabcclient)
-kdoctools_create_manpage(man-kabcclient.1.docbook 1 INSTALL_DESTINATION ${MAN_INSTALL_DIR})
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-<?xml version="1.0" ?>
-<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN"
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-  <!ENTITY kabcclient "<application>KABC-Client</application>">
-  <!ENTITY kappname "KABCClient">
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-  <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE">
-<!-- The language must NOT be changed here. -->
-<book id="kabcclient" lang="&language;">
-<bookinfo id="kabcclientinfo">
-<title>The &kabcclient; Handbook</title>
-  <author>
-    <firstname>Kevin</firstname>
-    <surname>Krammer</surname>
-    <affiliation>
-      <address>
-        <email>kevin.krammer at gmx.at</email>
-      </address>
-    </affiliation>
-  </author>
-  <year>2008</year>
-  <holder>Kevin Krammer</holder>
-<!-- Don't change format of date and version of the documentation -->
-  <para>&kabcclient; is a command line interface to &kde; address books.</para>
-  <keyword>KDE</keyword>
-  <keyword>&package;</keyword>
-  <keyword>&kappname;</keyword>
-  <keyword>KAddressBook</keyword>
-<chapter id="introduction">
-<para>&kabcclient; is a command line interface to &kde; address book.
-It lets you list, search, insert, remove, or merge contacts by way of
-the command line or from a scripting language.
-&kabcclient; can handle a variety of formats on both input and output, enabling
-it to be used for import and export of whole &kde; address books.
-<para>When invoked without arguments &kabcclient; will be put into search mode and try to match any input it can read from standard input to contact entries in the &kde; address book</para>
-<para>Main features of &kabcclient;:
-  <listitem><para>List all contacts of the &kde; address book</para></listitem>
-  <listitem><para>Search for contacts matching the input</para></listitem>
-  <listitem><para>Insert (add) contacts</para></listitem>
-  <listitem><para>Remove (delete) contacts</para></listitem>
-  <listitem><para>Merge (change) matching contacts with new data</para></listitem>
-<para>&kabcclient; is <emphasis>not</emphasis> another graphical
-user interface to the &kde; address book (i.e. &kaddressbook;).  &kabcclient;
-is intended solely for uses where a graphical user interface is
-not practical or possible.</para>
-<para>&kabcclient; does <emphasis>not</emphasis> provide a full-featured
-language for making queries of the user's address book nor is it the intention
-of the authors to ever write such a capability.
-Any such processing can be done through other command line tools or the script's own language's capabilities.
-<para>To ease discoverability of its capabilities, any option requiring an argument can be called with the value <replaceable>help</replaceable>. This will then list all the valid values one can pass to that option.
-<chapter id="features">
-<para>In this chapter you'll learn about the main features of
-&kabcclient; and how to control them using the command line parameters
-(remember that &kabcclient; is not a graphical user interface;
-it is a command line program only).</para>
-You'll learn about inserting, deleting, and searching for
-contact data, and how to use different formats for input and output.
-<sect1 id="listing">
-<title>Listing the address book</title>
-<para>This is the most basic operation mode, initiated using the <parameter>--list</parameter> or <parameter>-L</parameter>
-option. &kabcclient; will list all contacts in the &kde; address book, writing the data to the program's standard output. Amount and format of the output will depend on the chosen output format.</para>
-<informalexample><para>To list all contacts as standard vCard entries, simply run:</para>
-<prompt>%</prompt><userinput> <command>kabcclient <option>-L</option></command>
-<informalexample><para>To get just one line per contact, ⪚ for counting, simply run:</para>
-<prompt>%</prompt><userinput> <command>kabcclient <option>-L</option> <option>-of <replaceable>uid</replaceable></option></command>
-<informalexample><para>In this next example, we list all email addresses:</para>
-<prompt>%</prompt><userinput> <command>kabcclient</command> <option>--list</option> <option>-of <replaceable>email</replaceable></option>
-<sect1 id="searching">
-<title>Searching for contacts matching the input data</title>
-<para>&kabcclient; can take data from the command line or from the program's standard input and check it for similarities against all contacts in the &kde; address book. Searching is the default mode but it can be explicitly be chosen using the <parameter>--search</parameter> or <parameter>-S</parameter> command line argument.
-<informalexample><para>In the following example, all contacts with <replaceable>jane</replaceable> as part of any name field or email address will be written to the program's standard output, formatted as vCards (since this is the default for the <option>--output-format</option> option):</para>
-<screen><prompt>%</prompt><userinput> <command>kabcclient</command> <option>--search</option> <replaceable>jane</replaceable></userinput></screen>
-<informalexample><para>Same query again, this time reading the search string from the program's standard input:</para>
-<screen><prompt>%</prompt><userinput> <command>echo</command> <replaceable>jane</replaceable> | <command>kabcclient</command> <option>--search</option></userinput></screen>
-<para>Case sensitivity of queries can be toggled using the <option>--match-case</option> option.</para>
-<sect1 id="adding">
-<title>Adding contacts</title>
-<para>&kabcclient; supports adding new contacts to the &kde; address book using the <parameter>--add</parameter> or <parameter>-A</parameter> command line argument.
-The data can either be passed as additional command line arguments or read from standard input. On success the resulting contacts will be written to the program's standard output. Since this is an operation which applies changes to the address book it can be run in a "Dry run" mode using the <option>--nosave</option> option.
-<informalexample><para>Add a contact with name and email address by interpreting an additional command line argument as the input data:</para>
-<screen><prompt>%</prompt><userinput> <command>kabcclient</command> <option>--add</option> <option>--input-format <replaceable>email</replaceable> </option><replaceable>"John Doe <j.doe at example.com>"</replaceable></userinput></screen>
-<informalexample><para>Add all contacts from a vCard file streamed into the program's standard input:</para>
-<screen><prompt>%</prompt><userinput> <command>cat <replaceable>example-file.vcf</replaceable></command> | <command>kabcclient</command> <option>--add</option> <option>--input-format <replaceable>vcard</replaceable> </option></userinput></screen>
-<sect1 id="deleting">
-<title>Deleting contacts</title>
-<para>&kabcclient; supports deleting contacts from the &kde; address book using the <parameter>--remove</parameter> or <parameter>-R</parameter> command line argument. The input data is basically a query like when searching the address book.
-On success the removed contacts will be written to the program's standard output. Since this is an operation which applies changes to the address book it can be run in a "Dry run" mode using the <option>--nosave</option> option.
-<warning><para> When you delete something from the address book you
-<emphasis>cannot</emphasis> undo it! In other words, when you delete a contact
-you cannot reverse the deletion. It's gone for good.</para></warning>
-<informalexample><para>Test removing all contacts with <replaceable>jane</replaceable> in any contact name field or any email address:</para>
-<screen><prompt>%</prompt><userinput> <command>kabcclient</command> <option>--remove</option> <option>--nosave</option> <replaceable>jane</replaceable></userinput></screen>
-<sect1 id="formats">
-<title>Input and Output Formats</title>
-&kabcclient; can interpret input data and format output data according to various formatting rules. Depending on the actual usage scenario certain combinations will render the most useful result.
-Some of the formats understand additional parameters for further customizing their behavior.
-Since textual data can be encoded both input and output can be subjected to additional decoding or encoding respectively.
-<para>All those command line options will react to the special value <replaceable>help</replaceable> by listing the allowed values.</para>
-<sect2 id="vcard-format">
-<title>vCard Format</title>
-<para>vCard (<acronym>RFC</acronym> 2426) is the standard format for contact data and as such can present all information other address book applications such as &kaddressbook; can access. It is therefore the default format for output formatting.
-<sect2 id="csv-format">
-<title>Comma-Separated Values (<acronym>CSV</acronym>) Format</title>
-<para>Comma-Separated Value Format can be used as input format to fill data into specific field of a contact entry and as an output format to reduce or re-order data for further processing. To allow for enough flexibility mapping of contact fields to CSV columns can be specified using CSV-template description files also used by &kaddressbook; for the same purpose.
-<chapter id="features-commandline-options">
-<title>Command Line Arguments</title>
-<para>&kabcclient; supports the following options:</para>
-<tgroup cols="2">
-  <entry>Option</entry>
-  <entry>Description</entry>
-  <entry><option>--help, --help-all</option></entry>
-  <entry>Shows help about the program options.</entry>
-  <entry><option>--author</option></entry>
-  <entry>Shows the program author information.</entry>
-  <entry><option>-v, --version</option></entry>
-  <entry>Shows the program version information.</entry>
-  <entry><option>--license</option></entry>
-  <entry>Shows the program license information.</entry>
-  <entry><option>--verbose</option></entry>
-  <entry>Print helpful runtime messages.</entry>
-  <entry><option>--nosave</option></entry>
-  <entry>Print what would have been done, but do not execute.  Do not change anything in the &kde; address book; do not insert, remove, modify any existing contacts.</entry>
-  <entry><option>--match-case</option></entry>
-  <entry>Use case sensitive matching when comparing input data with contact data from the address book.</entry>
-  <entry><emphasis>Major Operation Modes:</emphasis></entry>
-  <entry><option>-L, --list</option></entry>
-  <entry>Print all contacts in specified export format.</entry>
-  <entry><option>-A, --add</option></entry>
-  <entry>Insert contacts into the address book.</entry>
-  <entry><option>-R, --remove</option></entry>
-  <entry>Delete contacts from the address book.</entry>
-  <entry><option>-M, --merge</option></entry>
-  <entry>Merge data from the input with matching contacts from the address book.</entry>
-  <entry><emphasis>Formatting and Encoding:</emphasis></entry>
-  <entry><option>-if, --input-format</option>
-  <replaceable>format</replaceable></entry>
-  <entry>How to interpret the input data. Use <replaceable>help</replaceable> for a list of available values.</entry>
-  <entry><option>-of, --output-format</option>
-  <replaceable>format</replaceable></entry>
-  <entry>How to format the output data. Use <replaceable>help</replaceable> for a list of available values.</entry>
-  <entry><option>-if-opts, --input-format-options</option>
-  <replaceable>options</replaceable></entry>
-  <entry>Input format specific customization options. Use <replaceable>help</replaceable> for a list of available values.</entry>
-  <entry><option>-of-opts, --output-format-options</option>
-  <replaceable>options</replaceable></entry>
-  <entry>Output format specific customization options. Use <replaceable>help</replaceable> for a list of available values.</entry>
-  <entry><option>-ic, --input-codec</option>
-  <replaceable>encoding</replaceable></entry>
-  <entry>Text encoding used to present the input data. Use <replaceable>help</replaceable> for a list of available values.</entry>
-  <entry><option>-oc, --output-codec</option>
-  <replaceable>encoding</replaceable></entry>
-  <entry>Text encoding which should be used to present the output data. Use <replaceable>help</replaceable> for a list of available values.</entry>
-<chapter id="faq">
-<title>Questions and Answers</title>
-<qandaset id="faqlist">
-<para>What configuration files does &kabcclient; use?</para>
-<para>What are the application names of &kabcclient;?</para>
-<para>&kabcclient;'s application name is <application>kabcclient</application>.</para>
-<para>How do I have my question added to this <acronym>FAQ</acronym>?</para>
-<para>Send your questions to <email>kevin.krammer at gmx.at</email>.</para>
-<chapter id="credits">
-<title>Credits and License</title>
-<para>&kabcclient; Program copyright 2005-2008:</para>
-<listitem><para>Kevin Krammer <email>kevin.krammer at gmx.at</email></para></listitem>
-<para>Documentation copyright 2008:</para>
-<listitem><para>Kevin Krammer <email>kevin.krammer at gmx.at</email></para></listitem>
-&underFDL;               <!-- FDL: do not remove -->
-&underGPL;        	 <!-- GPL License -->
-<appendix id="installation">
-<sect1 id="obtaining-application">
-<title>How to obtain &kabcclient;</title>
-<para>&kabcclient; comes included with &kde;4 and is not available separately.
-<sect1 id="requirements">
-<para>&kabcclient; requires the standard &kde; libraries to be installed
-(the <filename>kdelibs</filename> package and <filename>kdepimlibs</filename>).
-To compile from source, you also need the &Qt;, <filename>kdelibs</filename> and
-<filename>kdepimlibs</filename> development packages.</para>
-<para>You can find a list of changes in the
-<filename>ChangeLog</filename> file.</para>
-<sect1 id="configuration">
-<para>No special configuration is required to set up &kabcclient; to run
-on the &kde; desktop.</para>
-Local Variables:
-mode: sgml
diff --git a/doc/kabcclient/man-kabcclient.1.docbook b/doc/kabcclient/man-kabcclient.1.docbook
deleted file mode 100644
index 295e819..0000000
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-<?xml version="1.0" ?>
-<!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd" [
-  <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE"><!-- change language only here -->
-<refentry lang="&language;">
-<title>&kde; User's Manual</title>
-  <firstname>Kevin</firstname>
-  <surname>Krammer</surname>
-  <affiliation>
-    <address><email>kevin.krammer at gmx.at</email></address>
-  </affiliation>
-  <contrib>Author</contrib>
-<productname>K Desktop Environment</productname>
-<refnamediv id='name'>
-<refpurpose>commandline client for the &kde; addressbook</refpurpose>
-<!-- body begins here -->
-<refsynopsisdiv id='synopsis'>
-  <command>kabcclient</command> 
-    <group>
-    <arg choice="opt">-A</arg>
-    <arg choice="opt">-R</arg>
-    <arg choice="opt">-M</arg>
-    <arg choice="opt">-S</arg>
-    <arg choice="opt">-L</arg>
-    </group>
-    <arg choice="opt">--match-case</arg>
-    <arg choice="opt">--nosave</arg>
-    <arg choice="opt">-ic <replaceable>codec</replaceable></arg>
-    <arg choice="opt">-if <replaceable>format</replaceable></arg>
-    <arg choice="opt">-if-opts <replaceable>format-options</replaceable></arg>
-    <arg choice="opt">-oc <replaceable>codec</replaceable></arg>
-    <arg choice="opt">-of <replaceable>format</replaceable></arg>
-    <arg choice="opt">-of-opts <replaceable>format-options</replaceable></arg>
-    <arg choice="opt"> input-data </arg>
-<refsect1 id='description'>
-allows commandline access to the &kde; addressbook, for example in shell scripts.
-It supports input from stdin or through additional commandline arguments.
-Output is always written to stdout.</para>
-<refsect1 id='options'>
-<term><emphasis>Operation modes</emphasis></term>
-  <term><option>-A, --add</option></term>
-  <listitem>
-<para>Add a new contact entry to the addressbook</para>
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-  <term><option>-R, --remove</option></term>
-  <listitem>
-<para>Removes an existing contact entry from the addressbook</para>
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-  <term><option>-M, --merge</option></term>
-  <listitem>
-<para>Merges input data with an existing contact entry from the addressbook.
-This appends any new information to the already existing one</para>
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-  <term><option>-S, --search</option></term>
-  <listitem>
-<para>Searches the addressbook for matching contact entries</para>
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-  <term><option>-L, --list</option></term>
-  <listitem>
-<para>Lists all contact entries of the addressbook</para>
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-<term><emphasis>Input options</emphasis></term>
-  <varlistentry>
-  <term><option>-ic, --input-codec</option></term>
-  <listitem>
-<para>Pass input text through a specified text encoding. See
-<option>-ic</option><replaceable> help</replaceable>
-for additional information about input codecs. Default is
-which will use the codec for the current
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-  <term><option>-if, --input-format</option></term>
-  <listitem>
-<para>Parses the input text according to given formatting rules. See
-<option>-if</option><replaceable> help</replaceable>
-for available formats. Default is
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-  <term>Instead of reading input text kabcclient can show a dialog for selecting contacts using the input format</term>
-  <listitem>
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-  <term><option>-if-opts, --input-format-options</option></term>
-  <listitem>
-<para>Additional options for the chosen input format. Can be optional as well as
-mandatory depending on the format. See
-<option>-if-opts</option><replaceable> help</replaceable>
-for available format options</para>
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-<term><emphasis>Output options</emphasis></term>
-  <varlistentry>
-  <term><option>-oc, --output-codec</option></term>
-  <listitem>
-<para>Pass output text through a specified text encoding. See
-<option>-oc</option><replaceable> help</replaceable>
-for additional information about output codecs. Default is
-which will use the codec for the current
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-  <term><option>-of, --output-format</option></term>
-  <listitem>
-<para>Formats the output text according to given formatting rules. See
-<option>-of</option><replaceable> help</replaceable>
-for available formats. Default is
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-  <term><option>-of-opts, --output-format-options</option></term>
-  <listitem>
-<para>Additional options for the chosen output format. Can be optional as well as
-mandatory depending on the format. See
-<option>-of-opts</option><replaceable> help</replaceable>
-for available format options</para>
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-<term><emphasis>Additional options</emphasis></term>
-  <varlistentry>
-  <term><option>--match-case</option></term>
-  <listitem>
-<para>Use case sensitive text matching when comparing input text with contact entries</para>
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-  <term><option>--nosave</option></term>
-  <listitem>
-<para>Perform information changing operations like
-<option>-A, -R</option>
-only in memory but do not write the changes back to the addressbook</para>
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-<refsect1 id='diagnostics'>
-<para>As usual an exit status of zero indicates success.
-Depending on the chosen operation mode a non-zero exit status indicates
-a certain problem the application encountered</para>
-  <varlistentry>
-  <term><literal>1</literal></term>
-  <listitem>
-<para>Reading the input text failed</para>
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-  <term><literal>2</literal></term>
-  <listitem>
-<para>Creating a suitable contact entry from the input text failed, e.g. not
-data or wrongly formatted input for the chosen input format</para>
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-  <term><literal>3</literal></term>
-  <listitem>
-<para>Saving the addressbook changes failed. This can be caused for example by
-other applications currently locking the addressbook.</para>
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-  <term><literal>1</literal></term>
-  <listitem>
-<para>Reading the input text failed</para>
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-  <term><literal>2</literal></term>
-  <listitem>
-<para>The program could not remove any contact entry from the addressbook. This
-can be caused by failing to parse the input text, failing to find a matching
-contact entry in the addressbook or finding more than one matching contact
-entry in the addressbook. In the latter case an error message is written to
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-  <term><literal>3</literal></term>
-  <listitem>
-<para>Saving the addressbook changes failed. This can be caused for example by
-other applications currently locking the addressbook.</para>
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-  <term><literal>1</literal></term>
-  <listitem>
-<para>Reading the input text failed</para>
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-  <term><literal>2</literal></term>
-  <listitem>
-<para>The program could not merge the input with any contact entry from the addressbook.
-This can be caused by failing to parse the input text, failing to find a matching
-contact entry in the addressbook or finding more than one matching contact
-entry in the addressbook. In the latter case an error message is written to
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-  <term><literal>3</literal></term>
-  <listitem>
-<para>Saving the addressbook changes failed. This can be caused for example by
-other applications currently locking the addressbook.</para>
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-  <term><emphasis>SEARCH</emphasis></term>
-  <term><literal>1</literal></term>
-  <listitem>
-<para>Reading the input text failed</para>
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-  <varlistentry>
-  <term><literal>2</literal></term>
-  <listitem>
-<para>The program could not find any matching contact entry in the addressbook.
-This can be caused by failing to parse the input text or failing to find a matching
-contact entry in the addressbook</para>
-  </listitem>
-  </varlistentry>
-<refsect1 id='examples'>
-<para><emphasis>Look for contact entries with Joe in either name or email addresses</emphasis></para>
-kabcclient -S Joe
-<para><emphasis>Do the same but use case sensitive matching</emphasis></para>
-kabcclient --match-case -S Joe
-<para><emphasis>Do the same but read input text from stdin</emphasis></para>
-echo "Joe" | kabcclient --match-case -S
-<para><emphasis>Try to add a new contact entry using data from a formatted email address</emphasis></para>
-kabcclient --nosave --add -if email "Marilyn Monroe <mmonroe at moviestars.com>"
-<para><emphasis>Do the same but this time really save the changed addressbook</emphasis></para>
-kabcclient --add -if email "Marilyn Monroe <mmonroe at moviestars.com>"
-<para><emphasis>Listing the available input formats</emphasis></para>
-kabcclient -if help
-<para><emphasis>Listing the available output formats</emphasis></para>
-kabcclient -of help
-<para><emphasis>Listing the available options for the 'email' output format</emphasis></para>
-kabcclient -of email -of-opts help
-<para><emphasis>Listing all email addresses for all contacts containing 'Marilyn'</emphasis></para>
-kabcclient -of email -of-opts allemails -S Marilyn
-<para><emphasis>Remove all contacts the user selected in the contact selection dialog</emphasis></para>
-kabcclient --remove -if dialog
-<para><emphasis>Export selected contacts to a vCard (default output format) file</emphasis></para>
-kabcclient -S -if dialog > contacts.vcf
-<refsect1 id='author'><title>Author</title>
-<para>This manual page was written by Kevin Krammer <kevin.krammer at gmx.at>.
-Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
-under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2 any
-later version published by the Free Software Foundation.</para>
-<para>On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License
-can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL.</para>

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