[kde-doc-english] Dolphin file tags, comments

Jerry Nelson jerrynelson at speakeasy.net
Tue May 21 21:00:17 UTC 2013

This is not enough information on TAGS and COMMENTS:

 " Information
 The Information panel shows extended information about the selected items(s) 
or about of the current folder or the file which is currently hovered with the 
mouse, including size, type, and date of last modification. It also features a 
large preview of the selected item and permits to assign a rating, tags, and 
comments to it."

Please also google to observe the lack of information for  
Linux/Ubuntu/Dolphin "add tags"  or "add comments".

Can tags and comments be searched? 

 It is ok to say "ca 2013, popular searching strategies and programs included 
. . . ."   Or you can tell us, "TAGS and COMMENTS have not often figured 
prominently into users' file search strategies, but many search programs access 
these fields including A,B,C."  Despite social media and search engines, it is 
OK for developers to communicate **the culture**  of their user community to 

Discuss the likelihood of losing this metadata if it is not part of the file 

Imagine that you are a heavy computer user with hundreds of thousands of files 
and decades of computer use experience, but you have never used a Linux box 
before.  Now the most powerful new machine in the LAN will run 
Kubuntu/Dolphin, it has lots of drives, some are linked in a b-tree file 
system, blah blah.  You are sitting down to begin populating this machine.

How would you use TAGS or COMMENTS to organize your life (your new files) 
going forward?   

The tools you have created are perhaps even more powerful than you imagined!!
Thank you,

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