[kde-doc-english] [kartesio] doc: Fix typo, fix labels after annma changes in gui

Yuri Chornoivan yurchor at ukr.net
Sat May 11 15:51:05 UTC 2013

Git commit 5ca085fa156a0fef5d28608d4d07df89bfc94fac by Yuri Chornoivan.
Committed on 11/05/2013 at 17:50.
Pushed by yurchor into branch 'master'.

Fix typo, fix labels after annma changes in gui

M  +2    -2    doc/index.docbook


diff --git a/doc/index.docbook b/doc/index.docbook
index 3c8ee5c..6b7712e 100644
--- a/doc/index.docbook
+++ b/doc/index.docbook
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
-		 <para>In the <guilabel>Regression</guilabel> tab, you can write a generic function that will be used by Kartesio as a model for the fitting curve. The function must be written with the variables x and y, and with variable coefficients (represented by letters). Obviously, you can also write numeric coefficients. Please take note that the function must be biuniqe.</para>
+		 <para>In the <guilabel>Regression</guilabel> tab, you can write a generic function that will be used by Kartesio as a model for the fitting curve. The function must be written with the variables x and y, and with variable coefficients (represented by letters). Obviously, you can also write numeric coefficients. Please take note that the function must be biunique.</para>
 			 <screeninfo>Writing a generic function</screeninfo>
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
-		 <para>After the fit operation, points and the curve will be automatically plotted. Anyway, you may prefer to change to plotted area to see better the image. This can be done using the four spinboxes: Xmin is the minimum value of X axis, and Xmax is the maximum value. For example, if you write respectively 0 and 1, then the plot will start from 0 and end to 1. The same logic works for Y axis.</para>
+		 <para>After the fit operation, points and the curve will be automatically plotted. Anyway, you may prefer to change to plotted area to see better the image. This can be done using the four spinboxes: <guilabel>X min</guilabel> is the minimum value of X axis, and <guilabel>X max</guilabel> is the maximum value. For example, if you write respectively 0 and 1, then the plot will start from 0 and end to 1. The same logic works for Y axis.</para>
 			 <screeninfo>A closer look</screeninfo>

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