[kde-doc-english] <gui...> markup in title elements

Burkhard Lück lueck at hube-lueck.de
Mon May 6 16:43:37 UTC 2013


the kde docbooks often have <gui...> markup in title elements of a section.

This lead to the following issues, illustrated with the KMahJongg handbook:

1) First page - Table of Content 
Some word with a grey background due to <gui...> markup in a title.
For me it looks strange and confusing (why some words and some not?) and to 
mark some words as gui element does not make sense in the table of content

2) E. g. the Page "The Move Menu"
In the page header "Move" has a grey background due to <gui...> markup in the 
title element of an sect1. That looks really ugly.

Title elements of a section already have a different font than the normal text, 
so you can distinguish title + text easily.

I'd like to get rid of the gui markup in title elements, what do you think?

Burkhard Lück

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