[kde-doc-english] Some minor changes to poxml

Eric Bischoff ebischoff at nerim.net
Fri Feb 8 15:13:19 UTC 2013

Hi people,

I suggest the following change to poxml to accommodate with changes in docbook syntax (new tags)

line 35 of kdesdk/poxml/parser.cpp, in the list of cutting tags, change:
                                    "variablelist", "step", "procedure",
                                    "step", "holder", "listitem", "important",
                                    "variablelist", "task", "procedure", "taskrelated",
                                    "step", "holder", "listitem", "important",

- no need to have "step" twice in this list
- add new "taks" and "task related" tags

I could have done it without asking, but I thought it would be better to ask for a green light before.

Online reference: http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/task.html


Éric Bischoff
ebischoff at nerim.net

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