[kde-doc-english] Docs for Window Rules

Burkhard Lück lueck at hube-lueck.de
Thu Dec 8 10:55:03 UTC 2011

Am Donnerstag, 8. Dezember 2011, 01:23:08 schrieb John Florian:
> I absolutely love the Plasma desktop and the ability to customize it for
> a fit like a well worn glove ...  an old friend.
> However, I struggle to understand some of the settings even when I let
> my imagination roam and I'm a software developer as well, but in a much
> different world than that of KDE.  I want more (any, really) details
> about 'Remember' and 'Force Temporarily' do.
> A simple sentence or two for each of the settings would be my ideal.  I
> write a lot and could help improve the docs if given a little guidance
> and technical access to those who do know.  It's frustrating to read
> things like
> http://blogs.pcworld.co.nz/pcworld/tux-love/2010/10/is_kwin_getting_too_com
> plicate.html even though I agree much with what's said there.  That was the
> closest hit I got with Google trying to find my answers, well short of
> this email address.
> I'd rather help make help help, if you know what I mean.  :-)

There is a bug report for this issue


and someone has started to put some infos on 


Burkhard Lück

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