[kde-doc-english] kde-Handbuch

Albrecht Mehl mehl at freunde.tu-darmstadt.de
Fri Apr 8 10:22:59 CEST 2011

In section II 3 there is a description on how to add features to the 
control line. But there is nothing about how to drag the symbol to 
another position within the control line. E.g.: I added the help by 
right clicking on the help in kde-menue, system, help and then choosing 
'add to the control line'. The symbol - the yellow ring - is at the 
right end of the control line. But I would like to have it shifted to 
the left end directly in contact with the device manager.

    How do I shift a symbol?

A. Mehl
Albrecht Mehl	    |eBriefe an:mehlBEIfreundePUNKTtu-darmstadtPUNKTde
Veilchenweg 7       |Tel. (06151) 37 39 92
D-64291 Darmstadt, Germany|sehenswert - ungefähr 'Wir einsam im All'

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