[kde-doc-english] Konsole profiles and KDE menu

Lesley Longhurst Lesley.Longhurst at opus.co.nz
Mon Aug 23 07:10:15 CEST 2010

I'm trying to figure out how to customise multiple Konsole menu items, 
for instance I want one icon that runs with "--profile A" and another 
that runs with ""--profile B".

The documentation on how to set up the profile is fine, but there is 
nothing about how to add command-line arguments when setting up KDE menu 
entries.  I have tried using the "run in a terminal" advanced option, 
but that doesn't give the desired results - it seems to start up and 
then exit immediately.

I expect I probably have to edit a file, and I would expect to find that 
information *somewhere* in either the Konsole manual or the KDE Menu 
Editor manual.  But with much searching, I cannot find it.

Can you find a way to add that information into the documentation? Or if 
it is already there, can you point me to it?

I am running Kubuntu, currently at kde-window-manager 4:4.4.2-0ubuntu14

Lesley Longhurst (previously Walker)
Linux Systems Administrator
Opus International Consultants Ltd
Email lesley.longhurst at opus.co.nz
Tel +64 4 471 7002, Fax +64 4 473 3017
Level 9  Majestic Centre, 100 Willis Street, PO Box 12 343
Wellington, New Zealand

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