[kde-doc-english] command - KDE Help Center

louis beaucage louisbeaucage at hotmail.com
Sat Oct 10 18:57:55 CEST 2009

probably I'm not the first one to point out this mistake on the handbook about the ask command:
ask X
ask takes a string as input. It shows a pop-up dialog containing the text from the string, just like the message. But in addition to it also puts an input field on the dialog. Through this input filed the user can enter a number or a string which can be stored in a container. For example 
$in = ask "What is you age?"
$out = 2003 - $in
print "In 2003 you where " + $out + " years old at some point."

the question should be : what year did you born?
In 2003 you were...

Thank you,
ps; KTurtle is great to get basic program writing.

Louis Beaucage
louisbeaucage at hotmail.com

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