[kde-doc-english] Mozilla Thunderbird

Michael Skiba michael at michael-skiba.de
Thu Apr 9 20:51:59 CEST 2009

Am Donnerstag, 9. April 2009 19:15:56 schrieb Thomas C. Weiss:
> Excuse me for being an absolute idiot...

uhm ... don't want to comment that, but just let me notice a few things:
- This is a Mailinglist for doc-writer and doc-translator, not a support list
- It's about KDE documentation.
- Mozilla Thunderbird is GTK/Gnome

But now to the thing that makes helping you impossible:
You didn't even mention which OS you use, not Ubuntu as it seems (wise 
choice), but what else? (your distro has probably an IRC-Channel or 
Mailinglist of it's own too)
Or at least which packagemanger do you use?

(Hope the first lines aren't to sarcastic, don't take it personal)
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