[kde-doc-english] KDE Docs Proposed Change

David Edmundson david at davidedmundson.co.uk
Sun May 25 19:01:29 CEST 2008

Dear Doc Maintainers,

Can I propose the KDE Documents are changed from looking like:
to looking like:

This will bring it inline with the rest of the KDE website and KDE themes, and 
help with the "KDE branding".

The image shown is just a mockup, bodged together with the HTML output. If 
everyone here agrees, and then if I get approval kde-core. I'd be happy to 
amend the XSLT as appropriate so it affects all the documents.

The change also helps move the styling from using inline styles of XSLT to 
using CSS, which will make it easier to make style changes in the future as 
well as being more accessible.

Please keep my CC'd on replied as I'm not on subscribed to the mailing list.


David Edmundson

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