[kde-doc-english] Kpatience documentation update

techno_plume-coding at yahoo.com techno_plume-coding at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 29 18:52:31 CEST 2007


A diff against KPatience index.docbook from trunk is attached for

It's mainly wording changes that I think make it sound clearer. Please
let me know if you think they don't! I can remove changes on request
and keep any there's a consensus we should keep. Some things I was
unsure about, so those questions are further down.

== List of Changes ==

a) Misc. wording/grammar/punctuation changes.
b) Removed description of 'Kings'. This patience game was removed
because of bugs (see bug #84819, comment #3).
 - Stephan Kulow said in IRC there is even a bug about Kings still
being mentioned. I was unable to find it; can anybody else? ... or
maybe he just meant it *was* a bug, albeit unfiled.
c) Swapped Golf and Spider around, so Golf appears first. Matches menu
in game more closely now.
d) Credits on the 1st page were getting a little long. So I moved some
to just the Contributors section. Hope this is okay?

== Things I am unsure of ==

1) This app also has a manpage, in the repository. Is there a policy
user apps should have a manpage? Are these written by hand typically
(or with something like Manedit), or somehow generated automatically
from Docbook files through the autoconf/cmake scripts? Or by XSLT? I'm
wondering if I should make a separate diff for the app's manpage, when
amending a docbook manual.

2) Marked up a reference to a feature, like so:
- especially if you use the undo feature
+ especially if you use the <guibutton>Undo</guibutton> feature

In this case, the 'Undo' option is accessible through *both* the
toolbar button - and - the edit menu. I wasn't sure which I should
choose. When referring to a something like this, is that the correct
markup? Previously there were no markup tags around that option. 

3) Removed a section that read "Use of the menu is too easy to be
described now.". 
I felt if it isn't described, there isn't much point in telling the
user it wasn't going to be. :) 
Also, I later added a set of chapter tags, because that removal made it
go from listing terminology to rules of Klondike, on the same page.

_Is_ this appropriate, or should the menu options really be described?
If so, Phil R., you mentioned on a kbackgammon bug that you had a
script that might make  writing menu refs easier. Perhaps I could save
some time using that, if I need to document the menu?

4) Since the doc (if approved+committed) is going into /trunk, should I
change down the revisionnumber in the file to match the application
version in KDE 3.5.5 ?

5) Adding newish contributor entities cause the XML check to choke.
This is because they weren't present in KDE3. Say I add myself to the
contribs section. Should I add the entity for myself, or just put my
name and email address in manually to later be switched with the

Thank you in advance for feedback,


P.S http://www.kde.org/mailinglists/ (redirect from mail.kde.org) lists
kde-docbook. Does this need changing to kde-doc-english, or are both
lists still valid? The kde-docbook list is still open for posts.
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