[kde-doc-english] Write documentation for Kalzium

Philip Rodrigues philip.rodrigues at chch.ox.ac.uk
Sat Sep 3 00:56:15 CEST 2005

Hi Nikhil,

> I would like to write documentation for Kalzium. I have a svn copy of
> kalzium present. But I cannot write in the Docbook format. Is there any
> tool which can help me, or perhaps a book, or is it ok if I submit it in
> plain text. Also what exactly does the documentation have to cover.

Writing in plain text is fine - we have some DocBook wizards on the team who 
can add the necessary markup. I can put you in touch with the Kalzium author 
to help you find the areas that need work. Kalzium has some special features 
wrt documentation too. The XML files in kalzium/src/tools/ need proofreading, 
since they were written by  a non-native English speaker, and for these it's 
especially useful to have some chemistry knowledge (though not completely 

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