[kde-doc-english] Unfinished sentence in userguide

Krzysztof Lichota krzysiek at lichota.net
Mon May 2 05:14:20 CEST 2005

There is an error in Userguide.
Section "Advanded window management":
The simplest way to access the advanced window management facilities
in &kde; is to use a little known utility called
<application>kstart</application>, which is included in &kde; 2.1
and. <application>kstart</application> lets you control the way an
application interacts with the window manager.

There is "KDE 2.1 and." - the sentence finishes here. I suppose it 
should be  "KDE 2.1 and later".


	Krzysztof Lichota (Polish translation team)

PS. Please CC me when replying, I am not on the list.

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