[kde-doc-english] Proof-read KNode Documentation

Bernd Pol bernd.pol at online.de
Tue Mar 30 22:04:08 CEST 2004

Am Dienstag, 30. März 2004 15:16 UCT schrieb Philip Rodrigues:
> Hi Andrew,
> > OK, I've commited the last chunk of the proof-read KNode
> > documentation to CVS; the only problem I can see with it is that
> > it's missing a screenshot for the rule editor - I would make it
> > myself but I'm not sure of the font settings etc. which need to be
> > adhered to.
> Sounds great :-) There are instructions for taking screenshots at:
> http://i18n.kde.org/doc/screenshots.php
> (although I can't seem to get at it at the moment)
> I don't think we have an official font to use, but they should be
> antialiased. I think Luxi Sans or Arial would be OK.

I recommend Luxi Sans over Arial. It is a clear, more dense font which 
allows for smaller screenshots. I use it regularly for the KDevelop 
user manual.

To produce screenhots I use KSnapshot on a user specially set up with 
Keramik style, cutting out details with Gimp, when necessary.

Hope, this helps a bit.
Have a good day,

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