[kde-doc-english] Re: The Filemanager (docbook)

Philip Rodrigues philip.rodrigues at christ-church.oxford.ac.uk
Sat Jun 19 22:07:57 CEST 2004

Hi Christian,
> > I tried to write the chapter about the file manager. There are two
> > problems in my proposal: Don't know how to make a subsection (so I just
> > called it <subtitle> which is irritating, I know that!!! Please fix it).
> > And I couldn't imagine a scentence in the "Icons" section.
> Thanks! I'll take a look through it and add it to the document soon, but
> I'm a bit busy with exams at the moment, so I'm sorry about the delay. If
> anyone else has the time to look through it, that would be great.

I've looked through the chapter you submitted - nice work, thanks! I've 
committed it to CVS, and you can see the output at 

If you'd like to write any other sections, please feel free to. If not, that's 
fine too. If you have any questions about the markup I've used or changes 
I've made, don't hesitate to ask.

Once again, thanks,
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