[kde-doc-english] Kig manual proofreading

Éric Bischoff e.bischoff at noos.fr
Wed Apr 28 18:05:46 CEST 2004

Le mardi 27 Avril 2004 22:00, Lauri Watts a écrit :
> Hi folks,
> Dominique has asked if a proofreader could give the Kig user manual a once
> over.  If there's nobody from the proofreading team available, I can do it
> on the weekend.
> If anyone else would like to give it a go, it's a nice starter job for
> anyone looking for a job - give us a heads up on the list if so, so we
> don't end up tramping on each others toes.

It would also be cool if someone could proofread kdeextragear-3/keurocalc's 
manual. I have written it, but I am not native English speaker, so it's 
probably full of language problems.

I am currently preparing release of 0.9.0 version, and that version has a 
completly refreshed doc.

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