[kde-doc-english]docbook.template from CVS

Bob Lockie bjlockie at lockie.ca
Tue Jan 7 01:33:08 CET 2003

I'm writing my first DocBook. :-)

How do I fix "failed to load external entity"?
Is there an online version that I can point to with a URI or do I have
to install something.

# checkXML index.docbook
index.docbook:10: error: failed to load external entity "dtd/kdex.dtd"
index.docbook:39: error: Entity 'language' not defined
<book lang="&language;">
index.docbook:39: validity error: No declaration for attribute lang on
element book
<book lang="&language;">

Is there supposed to be a trailing ">" instead of a "[" in docbook.template?
I get less errors that way. :-)
<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant
V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdex.dtd" [

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