
Éric Bischoff e.bischoff at noos.fr
Thu Feb 6 10:24:45 CET 2003

Hash: SHA1

Le Monday 03 February 2003 18:09, Lauri Watts a écrit:
> > Ok, I won't tell you. :-)
> > I defined an Entity called kapp. :-)
> Please rethink this decision.  *Please*
> I highly doubt you're writing about an application that is actually called
> KApp.  If this document is ever intended to be part of KDE CVS, or
> translated by KDE's translators, we're just going to change it anyway.
> There's no guarantee that the translators for example, will see the entire
> document in one piece, and will have no idea what application they are
> translating about.  It's difficult already to read for those of us who have
> to look at lots of documents, the instructions specifically say that the
> entity used should be the name of the application, and nothing else, and we
> had an entire thread already trying to explain this.

Yes, it's a very bad decision for translators as well, Lauri is right. Please 
don't do that.

- -- 
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