[kde-doc-english]About a bug in the FAQ...

Nikolaus Krismer nkrismer at aon.at
Sun Feb 2 17:24:48 CET 2003


when I read through the FAQ of KDE I found a bug in "Chapter 6: The 
desktop". "6.6 How do I launch applications in a particular desktop?" 
tells that this is possible with the program kstart. That's true, but it 
also says that "To start Mozilla on the second desktop and then activate 
it use: kstart "netscape" -desktop 2 -activate".
I tried this command, but nothing happend. So I tried kstart --help to 
find out, why kstart did nothing.
Shouldn't it be:
"To start Mozilla on the second desktop and then activate it use: kstart 
--desktop 2 --activate mozilla"?

Please tell me if that's wrong, because otherwise there would be 
something wrong with mde kde 3.1

Nikolaus Krismer

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