[kde-doc-english] personname & othercredit

Frederik Fouvry fouvry at CoLi.Uni-SB.DE
Wed Dec 3 17:40:59 CET 2003

,-- Le Sat, 29 Nov, É. ric Bischoff a écrit le suivant:
| Le Vendredi 28 Novembre 2003 22:21, Bob Lockie a écrit :
| > 1. Should I use the "personname" tag to enclose the "firstname", etc.?
| I would says "Yes". I think that <personname> has been added to allow us to 
| remove the strange <affiliation> construct. Frederik, can you confirm ?

I don't exactly know anymore what the reason was (I think it also
had to do with the use of entities for names: personname is
allowed (almost?) everywhere, while you cannot use a sequence of
elements in an entity).  The affiliation element always has been
a pain for us, so it's better if it's not needed.  Anyway, yes,
you should use personname (which also allows the attachment of
email addresses, which makes maintenance of those in the
documentation much more easy).

| > 2. What is the role= part of "othercredit" used for since it is not in
| > the original oasis DocBook?
| > eg. <othercredit role="developer">
| Kind of job with respect to this pecular documentation. We also have editors, 
| proofreaders, translators, etc.

As far as I recollect, the list of allowed values is limited in
the DTD (for the XSL style sheets).


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