[kde-doc-english]Re: spell checker etc.

Stephan Kulow coolo at kde.org
Thu Apr 10 13:15:32 CEST 2003

On Thursday 10 April 2003 12:22, malcolm.hunter at gmx.co.uk wrote:
> A bit of research came up with this:
> http://www.romulus2.com/articles/guides/misc/bitsbytes.shtml
> I notice on the GMX pages that they use kB, but this might be a German
> localisation.
> So I conclude that we should be sticking with KB for the English language at
> least.

Well, that's a quite political discussion. There is indeed a trend to use 10^
instead of the ancient 2^ as it's simply easier to figure. Hard disc manufactors
started to use GB for 10^9, which is technically wrong, but still 10^9 is
easier to write in numbers than 2^30 :)

But as KDE uses 2^10 for a KB we should use KB. But we (not the CCed
lists, but KDE :) should think about switching to kB and 10^

Greetings, Stephan

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