[kde-doc-english]Re: New doc needs urgent proofreading

Jonathan Singer jsinger at leeta.net
Fri Sep 6 03:23:14 CEST 2002

> Hi all,
> IMHO kdemultimedia/doc/krec/index.docbook should be edited quickly, or th=
> e=20
> translators will start useless work.
> But perharps you already noticed that.

I did a first pass on it -- sorry, Lauri, I committed it before seeing your
mail that you were working on it. It definitely needs another person to look
at it, especially since a) my brain started to melt down halfway through, b)
I don't know anything about audio or arts and c) the app segfaults when I
try to run it.

It's actually written well, and I had very little trouble understanding it.
There's just a lot of non-native clunkiness that needs to be polished.

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