[kde-doc-english]Error found in kdenetwork/kmail

Rinse de Vries rinse at kde.nl
Tue Sep 17 01:12:12 CEST 2002

Hi, found some more strings in kmail:

#: kmcomposewin.cpp:2408
Error: Cryptography plugin returned\n
       \" structuring.makeMultiMime \"\n
but did NOT specify a Content-Type header\n
for the ciphertext that was generated.\n
Please report this bug.\n

-> Notice the "(" at the end of the string.

Other question:
This string, and some following strings talk about Cryptography plugin, while 
other strings talk about Crypto Plugin
Are they the same or different plugins?

Another comment:
The string above uses the word "plugin", while some other strings use the word 
"plug-in", or "Plug-In"


#: kmcomposewin.cpp:2827
<b>This message could not be signed!</b>
<br>The Crypto Plug-In %1
<br>reported the following details:
<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; <i>%2</i>
<br>Your configuration might be invalid or the Plug-In 

#: kmcomposewin.cpp:2848 kmcomposewin.cpp:3148
No active Crypto Plug-In could be found.\n
Please activate a Plug-In using the 'Settings/Configure KMail / Plug-In' 

Kind regards, Rinse

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