[kde-doc-english]Re: Captilisation

Neil Stevens neil at qualityassistant.com
Fri Oct 11 09:51:50 CEST 2002

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On Friday October 11, 2002 12:43, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On Sunday 31 March 2002 11:29, Chris Howells wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > One thing that I don't really like is the inconsistent capitalisation
> > of names. For example, the menu entry for 'kscd' is "KsCD", the app
> > calls itself "kscd" and the documentation calls it "Kscd".
> as most(all?) other KDE binaries are all lower-case, the binary name
> should remain as is IMO. as for the rest, well, kscd is referred to as
> Kscd and KSCD in various places within the program. in the code there
> are references to kscd, KSCD and Kscd. annoying.

KAboutData has support for two names.  There's the internal name, usually 
lowercase and the same as the binary name, used for things like KConfig 
filenames.  There's also the user-visible name, the one that gets an 
I18N_NOOP, that is used in things like the About box.

Those two names need not be consistent with each other, but clearly the 
user-visible name has to be used consistently in the app and the docs.

> > Can we come up with some consistent capitalisation and fix this in the
> > programs and documentation?
> personally i think that KsCD probably makes the most sense, especially
> since that is likely the version many are used to due to the menu entry.
> of course, those changes in kscd itself will have to wait for 3.2.

How about just calling it KCD in KDE 3.2?  What's the S stand for anyway?

- -- 
Neil Stevens - neil at qualityassistant.com
"The nearest I can make it out, 'Love your Enemies' means, 'Hate your
Friends'." - Benjamin Franklin
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