[kde-doc-english]Re: Reminder: Documentation freeze dates

Éric Bischoff e.bischoff at noos.fr
Thu Oct 10 11:55:25 CEST 2002

On Wednesday 09 October 2002 14:18, Lauri Watts wrote:
> On Wednesday 09 October 2002 10.06, Éric Bischoff wrote:
> > Is it okay to stop updating the English documentation (apart from
> > kcontrol)? Lauri? Any important last minute changes as Jonathan seems to
> > be suggesting?
> Plenty :)  I could have another two weeks, and still not get this all done
> :)
> If I can I just have the rest of this day to get what I can of the really
> glaring things sorted out?  (I can tell you what they are too, KStars,
> Kooka and KOrganizer, all have some updates almost finished.)

As I'm answering the next day, yes, I retroactivly give you the Wednesday to 
finish that ;-).

> > Also, about the patches that people will be starting to send to you,
> > Lauri, will they go to KDE 3.2 (HEAD) or KDE 3.1.1 (BRANCH)? My vote goes
> > for them going to HEAD.
> That will mean the branch documentation is never up to date with the
> applications.
> I would like to put these patches also into the BRANCH one time only, as
> soon as it is created.  In the branch there is a lot of time for
> translation for the 3.1.x versions, and if the HEAD version is already
> translated, it will be much less work - and if it's not, nobody will notice
> the difference.  That will give non-English speakers the opportunity to
> have translated *and* up to date documentation.

That makes sense. Okay with me.

However I don't know if it's a good idea to keep the branch evolving long 
after the tagging. I tend to consider the branch rather as a mean to fix 
important problems detected after the release. I may be wrong.

Éric Bischoff
KDE : ad expugnandum tabulam scriptoriam suam

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