[kde-doc-english]Re: CVS PROBLEM

Éric Bischoff e.bischoff at noos.fr
Sun Nov 10 22:52:07 CET 2002

Le Sunday 10 November 2002 22:02, Tamas Szanto a écrit:
> > It seems the server crashed. I'll delay final 3.1 tagging till Wednesday,
> > so you have time including Tuesday to commit your changes.
> Please give some more time, one more week (until next Sunday) would
> be enough for a full install/test/fix cycle *if* the CVS is accessible from
> Monday. Many teams would appreciate it.

Indeed. Especially that we have another problem :

As the default theme changed to Crystal, and as the final graphical components 
have been finished late, all the English and translated screenshots have to 
be taken again.

One more week would give many teams an opportunity for the documentation to 
reflect what the user sees ;-).

Calling their ennemies "terrorists" was the excuse for
the nazis to do whatever violation of the human rights.

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