[kde-doc-english]Re: Converting to XML Catalogs

Lauri Watts lauri at kde.org
Thu Nov 7 14:01:42 CET 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 06 November 2002 14.51, you wrote:
> | We are using SGML catalogs even though our docs are in XML, and the
> | recent bug in libxml2 is specifically with SGML catalog handling.  One of
> | the responses there was "well, use proper catalogs"
> The bloody cheek: who was first to use catalogs at all? ;-)

Heh, I tried to resist thinking saying that too :)

> Not really.  I looked into it, but because it might break quite a
> few things, I never performed the change.

There's a shell script on www.xmlsoft.org that promises to do all the hard 
work, but it didn't quite live up to that when I tried it.  Somewhere to 
start though.

http://www.xmlsoft.org/catalog.html the script is somewhere near the bottom.

> | Right after KDE 3.1 is released would be a very good time to do so, we'll
> | have an entire release cycle to iron out any problems.  If there is a
> | really good reason to keep the SGML catalogs, I'm probably missing it.
> When is that precisely?  I'm waiting for that to do some other
> things too (like removing obsolete entities, and starting to
> prepare for future DocBook versions).

Final decision to be made on the 11th November, if the RC is going to be 
released as final, plus a couple of days for the tagging, last minute stuff, 
organization etc, and I suppose it's looking like about a week or so from 
now, which is why I thought this a good time to bring it up.

- -- 
Lauri Watts
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