[kde-doc-english]I give up on automake/autoconf

Jonathan Singer jsinger at genome.wi.mit.edu
Wed May 8 01:25:05 CEST 2002

I have now spent several dozen hours trying to get the necessary autoconf/automake versions running on the Yellow Dog Linux 2.2 laptop on which I do my KDE work. I finally got them both working (at God knows how much cost to compiling anything else properly) and I'm still getting libtool errors.

Screw this. The KDE leaders may think it's a good idea to require core toolchain parts that don't ship with most current Linux distributions (YDL 2.2 is a couple of weeks old;  Red Hat 7.2 and Mandrake 8.2 don't have them, I don't think) and people on the mailing lists seem to agree that they're not difficult to upgrade. But they're not working here. I managed to get jade/docbook running back in the day, so I'm not completely clueless, but updating automake/autoconf is just not happening.

For people who don't know who I am, I'm responsible for maintaining a large chunk of the documentation. I'm sorry, but I'm just not willing to spend an infinite amount of time trying to get CVS to compile in order to keep my unpaid job.

I'm planning to try Red Hat 7.3 on a desktop I have at home. Maybe that will work. Until then, or until YDL ships the necessary pieces or until I get the energy to try again, I'm out.

I don't generally agree with the Neil/Charles faction but they were dead right about this....

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