[kde-doc-english]kspread (?)

Éric Bischoff e.bischoff at noos.fr
Tue May 7 09:01:53 CEST 2002

Hi all (and especially Malcolm),

Some translators complain about :

> Or if you had a spreadsheet that modelled the greenhouse effect accurately
> you could perhaps see the effect of a 50 percent reduction in the amount of
> hot air emitted by the world's leading politicians.

"hot air" is terribly idiomatic. We cannot say "air chaud" in French to 
describe speaking too much. It would work in German ("heisse Luft"), but I'm 
afraid it has no counterpart in languages of the latin family, and I would 
not be surprised if it were untranslatable in slavic languages, Asian 
languages, etc as well.

Besides that, we have no idea of what a "greenhouse effect" is.

Can someone fix that? Could we also please ban completly all puns, idiomatisms 
and jokes once for all ?

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