[kde-doc-english]Processed (Stephan Binner <binner at kde.org>): cleanup

Stephan Kulow owner at bugs.kde.org
Sun Mar 24 10:48:08 CET 2002

Processing commands for control at bugs.kde.org:

> retitle 33045 mp3kult crashes when adding a new directory with 6 GB mp3s.
Bug#33045: mp3kult crashes with message: KCrash: crashing.... crashRecursionCounter = 2KCrash: Application Name = mp3kult path = <unknown> pid = 3609eros:/home/tom# kdeinit: Fatal IO error: client killedkdeinit: sending SIGHUP to children.kdeinit: sending SIGTERM to children.kdeinit: Exit.
Changed bug title.

> severity 37836 crash
Bug#37836: sound server fatal error. noatun crashed and signal caused the signal 6(SIGABRT). I opened the file noatun and saw that it was empty
Severity set to `crash'.

> severity 32394 crash
Bug#32394: Crashes (Bus error) when trying to mount nfs.(Also with KDE 2.1.1 & RedHat).Works with mc!
Severity set to `crash'.

> severity 36658 crash
Bug#36658: When trying to open a second kwintv window, there is a sigsegfault
Severity set to `crash'.

> severity 35118 crash
Bug#35118: segfault on displaying page
Severity set to `crash'.

> severity 30993 crash
Bug#30993: segfault running meinproc while compiling docs
Severity set to `crash'.

> severity 22380 crash
Bug#22380: browse nfs where no permisson -> segfault
Severity set to `crash'.

> severity 39714 crash
Bug#39714: kwin crashes on startup
Severity set to `crash'.

> severity 39713 crash
Bug#39713: crashed after selecting updated tab
Severity set to `crash'.

> severity 39696 crash
Bug#39696: crash sigsegv signal 11
Severity set to `crash'.

> reassign 39696 khtml
Bug#39696: crash sigsegv signal 11
Bug reassigned from package `konqueror' to `khtml'.

> severity 39603 crash
Bug#39603: Kio floppy crashes konqueror, plus some other problems
Severity set to `crash'.

> severity 39578 crash
Bug#39578: KDevelop crash when refreshing several times using the keyboard
Severity set to `crash'.

> severity 39295 crash
Bug#39295: crash when splitting Kate views Top/Bottom
Severity set to `crash'.

> severity 39276 crash
Bug#39276: after execute as root dcop crash
Severity set to `crash'.

> severity 39025 crash
Bug#39025: window wider than 2000 pixels breaks image, window wider than 3000 crashes kfract
Severity set to `crash'.

> severity 38334 crash
Bug#38334: KDE help crashes if you do anything else
Severity set to `crash'.

> severity 38275 crash
Bug#38275: Crashing aways on opening files.
Severity set to `crash'.

> severity 38214 crash
Bug#38214: kdevelop crashed while opening a file and external debugger enabled
Severity set to `crash'.

> severity 37980 crash
Bug#37980: Sometimes, KNode crashes when clicking on a header the first time after starting knode
Severity set to `crash'.

> severity 37975 crash
Bug#37975: switching back from Hebrew to English crashes program
Severity set to `crash'.

> severity 36734 crash
Bug#36734: KDevelop freezes and crashes during debugging
Severity set to `crash'.

> severity 36383 crash
Bug#36383: kdvi crashed opening file compiled with srcltx
Severity set to `crash'.

> severity 36150 crash
Bug#36150: kghostview print lpr pdf crash
Severity set to `crash'.

> severity 35979 crash
Bug#35979: startx dcop communication error KCrash kded kcminit knotiy unknown path SuSE 7.3
Severity set to `crash'.

> severity 35079 crash
Bug#35079: Brahms crashing after just opening brahms resizing and closing
Severity set to `crash'.

> severity 35066 crash
Bug#35066: nsplugin crash with alsa
Severity set to `crash'.

> severity 35022 crash
Bug#35022: KGVMiniWidget crash, repeatable, URL provided
Severity set to `crash'.

> severity 34227 crash
Bug#34227: printing a pdf file whith cups, even pages, generates crash
Severity set to `crash'.

> severity 34184 crash
Bug#34184: desktop crash after update mdk8.1
Severity set to `crash'.

> severity 33577 crash
Bug#33577: crash when popup appears (javascript only)
Severity set to `crash'.

> severity 33411 crash
Bug#33411: dragging to desktop from the panel crashes desktop
Severity set to `crash'.

> severity 33156 crash
Bug#33156: Crashmanager SIGABRT
Severity set to `crash'.

> severity 32925 crash
Bug#32925: KDevelop (now also) crashes on AppWizard creating simple C++ application
Severity set to `crash'.

> close 32152
Bug#32152: quando voglio installare un pachetto l'installatore mi dice che il programma è andato in crash (sorrt, but i dont speech english, i'm italian)
Bug closed, ack sent to submitter!

> severity 32043 grave
Bug#32043: Loosing schedule information on system crash/suspend/shutdown
Severity set to `grave'.

> severity 30700 crash
Bug#30700: Brahms consistently crashes on exit
Severity set to `crash'.

> severity 30096 crash
Bug#30096: kde addressbook crash without apparent reason
Severity set to `crash'.

> severity 29694 crash
Bug#29694: editing url causes konq crash when saving
Severity set to `crash'.

> severity 28303 crash
Bug#28303: long menus crash megagradient
Severity set to `crash'.

> severity 27168 crash
Bug#27168: Login limit can not be set, crashes when loaded again
Severity set to `crash'.

> severity 26979 crash
Bug#26979: Loading/Closing KFAX crashes same consistently
Severity set to `crash'.

> severity 25255 crash
Bug#25255: KDE media player crashes when opening mp3 file
Severity set to `crash'.

> severity 23780 crash
Bug#23780: noatun startup crash - Info Found
Severity set to `crash'.

> severity 22607 crash
Bug#22607: wizard-created KDE MDI application crashes on quit
Severity set to `crash'.

> severity 21390 crash
Bug#21390: no display of some ps-files, crash when viewing eps-files
Severity set to `crash'.

> severity 20895 crash
Bug#20895: kppp Connect Button Clikppp crashes KDE2
Severity set to `crash'.

> reassign 39686 lanbrowsing
Bug#39686: lisa should be installed into sbin not bin
Bug reassigned from package `lisa' to `lanbrowsing'.

> close 28975
Bug#28975: Virtual Desktop Numbering Order
Bug closed, ack sent to submitter!

End of message, stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.

Stephan Kulow
(administrator, KDE bugs database)

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