Advice request on how to handle change in how Konqueror stores login information

Jin Liu m.liu.jin at
Sat Sep 21 13:34:57 BST 2024

One more option: Keep the old load code as a fallback to the new load
code. You can drop the old save code, but the old load code probably
has to be kept forever.


Stefano Crocco <stefano.crocco at> 于2024年9月21日周六 14:39写道:
> Hello to everyone,
> I'd need an advice on how to proceed with a change I'm going to make in
> Konqueror which could lead to data loss for the users. To improve the way
> Konqueror auto-fills login information in web pages, I had to change (in a way
> which depends on the page content) the name of the entries it uses to store
> login information in KWallet. As a consequence, existing entries won't be
> recognized anymore and users will have to enter them again the first time they
> visit a page so that entries with the new names can be created.
> In theory, this shouldn't be more than an annoyance for users, but I'm
> worried that there could be people who only relied on Konqueror to fill
> passwords and didn't record them somewhere else: in this case, they couldn't
> easily access their passwords anymore.
> I've thought of three possible ways to proceed:
> - ignore the issue. This is, obviously, the easiest choice but also the most
> user-unfriendly
> - display a KMessageWidget with information on how to recover the login
> information from KWallet when the user tries accesses a page with login
> information stored in the old way
> - automatically rename entries when the user accesses a web page with stored
> login information. This is the more user-friendly approach, but also the more
> complex to code; besides I fear that there's no way to determine which form on
> a given page corresponds to the data in the wallet which is correct in every
> situation
> - display a warning the first time the new Konqueror version is launched
> describing the situation and how to manually retrieve login information from
> KWallet. This could be a decent compromise between user-friendliness and ease
> to code, but I'm not sure what is the best way do display the warning: would a
> simple message box be suitable?
> What do you think would be the best way to proceed?
> Thanks in advance.
> Stefano

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