REUSE CI Check updated to Spec 3.2

Johnny Jazeix jazeix at
Wed Sep 11 18:20:35 BST 2024

Le mer. 11 sept. 2024 à 18:50, Andreas Cord-Landwehr
<cordlandwehr at> a écrit :
> Hi, this is a short heads-up that the CI check for "reuse-lint" is now updated
> to version fsfe/reuse:4, which in practical terms mean that now the linter
> checks for conformance with REUSE Spec 3.2. -- No projects should start to
> fail with this update (I manually checked the repositories known to be hit by
> an upstream problem earlier this year). Yet, if you suddenly see the linter
> fail in your project and its complains do not make sense, please reach out to
> me if you need help in fixing them.
> This update notably brings a few very cool new license annotation features:
> - .dep5 files are deprecated and can (and should because they are much better)
> by REUSE.toml files
> - there is snippet annotation support
> - there is snippet linter disabling support
> For details, please see the spec:
> Cheers,
> Andreas


is there a tool to convert dep5 to toml format? For GCompris, it's a
3700 lines file so I would prefer to avoid do it manually :).



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