Migrating Windows CI to Qt 6.7 - Roadblocks

christoph at cullmann.io christoph at cullmann.io
Sat May 25 11:52:39 BST 2024

On 2024-05-25 05:40, Ben Cooksley wrote:
> Hi all,
> Been looking into what is needed to migrate Windows CI over to Qt 6.7
> this afternoon and alas have run into a few roadblocks, related to
> QDBusConnection.
> https://invent.kde.org/sysadmin/ci-management/-/jobs/1848501
> https://invent.kde.org/sysadmin/ci-management/-/jobs/1848502
> Not entirely sure why, but it seems that something in the way headers
> are installed for QtDBus has changed for 6.7 and Dolphin and
> kio-extras are now unhappy.
> Could someone take a look please?

I think the issue is that most of our frameworks no longer requires dbus 
on Windows and these apps/plugins did miss to
add explicit cmake finds/use of QDBus.

I can patch that in master, actually even better I patch the use out on 
that systems.

If we need that in stable,  one will need to backport that, did it 
already for Kate.


> Thanks,
> Ben

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