[offtopic] KDE Scotland anybody? On Tour...

Markus Feilner mfeilner at feilner-it.net
Fri May 10 16:53:30 BST 2024

Hi there, 

the old guy open source journalist (me!) has arrived in Scotland, and I 
remember there was a large scottish KDE group. Is that so? Where are you 
lassies and laddies and everybody else ? I'll be travelling up the west coast 
starting tomorrow and I'll be leaving East coast Scotland End of May. 

If there's any cool meetups with great linux/opensource content and beer and 
else, I'd be happy. 

feel free to PM me (data below) 

My current topics of interest include (but are not limited to: sustainability 
(in touch with KDE eco), sustainable+ethical AI (not a believer in bubbles, 
myself) and digital sobriety. 

Thanks a lot, ping me! 


Best Regards - Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Markus Feilner, Feilner IT
- 20 years of open services -

Digital Sustainability, Sovereignty, Sobriety
Open Source Strategy, Knowledge Management, Documentation
Trainings, Workshops, Coaching, Networking, Politics, Journalism 

93059 Regensburg Wöhrdstr. 10,  
+49 170 302 7092 (+Signal)

PGP:            40A3C306F96133067C11CFD9A958A906268C9F0A
Xing:           http://www.xing.com/profile/Markus_Feilner
LinkedIn:       https://www.linkedin.com/in/markusfeilner
@mfeilner:      Mastodon, Matrix, Jabber, ...

Once you see something, you can't unsee it.
And once you've seen it, keeping quiet,
saying nothing, becomes as political an act
as speaking out. (Arundhati Roy)
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