AppStream Metadata with our releases

Volker Krause vkrause at
Mon Mar 25 18:37:07 GMT 2024

On Freitag, 22. März 2024 00:37:00 CET Julius Künzel wrote:
> AppStream metadata are consumed by app stores like Flathub, Snapcraft,
> Discover, our scripts to submit apps to the Microsoft Store and last but
> not least by [2].

Same for generating the package metadata on Android, both for our F-Droid 
repositories and the Google Play store.

> - Also it would be convenient to add noteworthy changes to the metadata
> together with the related code change. However at the moment for KDE Gear
> the release is usually only added to the metadata a few days before
> tagging. Would it be possible to add the next minor release to the release
> branch right after the current one has been released and the next major
> release to master ones the upcoming version has been branched?

At least in the past the appstream validator complained about releases dated 
(too far) into the future, but that doesn't seem to be a problem anymore 

As Itinerary was mentioned, the process there currently is to run David's KF 
changelog script over all repositories in Itinerary's dependency chain and 
take the top 5 or so most visible/important changes (which here are actually 
often from other repositories). The commit adding the release to appstream is 
my reminder for that currently, but there's other ways to do that, so for 
Itinerary the proposed change wouldn't make much of a difference either way.

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