Markdown Tools - Request for a Sponsor

Igor Mironchik igor.mironchik at
Sun Mar 17 10:25:49 GMT 2024

On 17.03.2024 10:33, Benson Muite wrote:
> On 15/03/2024 16.20, Igor Mironchik wrote:
>> On 15.03.2024 16:01, Benson Muite wrote:
>>> Is there a roadmap? Might it be possible to integrate other markup
>>> formats, for example AsciiDoc
>> Do we have any C/C++ Open Source Parser for AsciiDoc? Fully-featured,
>> tested...
> Not at present unfortunately. Main implementation is Ruby, which can be
> compiled to Javascript or a Java library. There is also a Python
> implementation and ongoing work to produce Haskell and Rust implementations.

Well, by mistake I wrote md4qt. I know what this work is (parse Markup 
languages). It's not so trivial task, and it needs a lot of time to 
write and test such things. But I didn't say no. If I have md4qt, where 
I have Document for a tree representation, I can have a look at AsciiDoc 
and write something like asciidoc4qt, that will use the same structures 
for parsed document. In this case we can use absolutely the same 
converter to PDF.

I can start such thing. Ok. Does AsciiDoc have well documented format? 
Does it have a set of tests?

I don't know how complicated AsciiDoc format is, maybe it's simpler of 

Markdown, despite its apparent simplicity, is a little complicated in 
implementation. I've made 356 commits to implement and test it, and 
spent some time for it, but it worth it.

In case of markdown-tools, if it will support CommonMark 0.31.2 with 
major GFM and latest AsciiDoc, will you accept my project?

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