GSoC: Interested on "Port oss-fuzz tests to QT6"

Albert Astals Cid aacid at
Mon Mar 4 22:20:24 GMT 2024

El dilluns, 4 de març de 2024, a les 7:42:53 (CET), Khalid Masum va escriure:
> Dear Albert Astals Cid,


> I am Khalid Masum, interested in doing Google Summer of Code with KDE.
> The project idea: "Port oss-fuzz tests to QT6" is interesting to me and I
> believe I will be able to do it next summer.
> About my knowledge prerequisite: have worked with build tools like Make,
> CMake, Libtool, Autoconf, Autoconf etc before and I am positive I have
> the necessary knowledge.
> It would be great if you could help me get started with this. Looking
> forward to hearing from you.

Have you read this?

What do you mean exactly with "help me get started with this"?


P.S: Don't start an email with "Dear Albert Astals Cid" and then send it to a 
mailing list that has hundreds of people in it :)

> Best regards,
> Khalid Masum

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