KDE Gear features list

Carl Schwan carl at carlschwan.eu
Thu Jan 4 11:49:41 GMT 2024

On Monday, November 27, 2023 10:49:04 PM CET Carl Schwan wrote:
> Hello,
> I started working on the announcement for the the megarelease. For Plasma,
> Nate collected all the new user facing changes here:
> https://community.kde.org/Plasma/Plasma_6#User-facing_changes
> I would appreciate if gear app maintainers and contributors could do the
> same for KDE gear: https://community.kde.org/Gear/Gear_24.02 I just need a
> link to commit, MR or bug report and a few words about the change.
> I'm also working on a sliglty tweeaked format for the announcement which
> would allow to mention both the big major changes as well as more minor
> improvements than previously. So don't mind also adding more minor changes
> to the wiki page, but I can't promise I will manage to mention everything.
> If you posted your progress already on a blog post (like we do in KDE PIM) a
> link to that is also great.

Thanks to all who contributed so far to the wiki page and a gentle ping to 
those who didn't yet.

Preview of the announcement is available here:
(user: kde, password: kde)

If you think I missed something important or there are some incorrect details, 
the corresponding merge request is here ;)

Note that the screenshots are far from being the final and I will retake most 
if not all of them in the coming weeks.


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