KDE Gear projects with failing CI (release/24.02) (6 February 2024)

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at kde.org
Wed Feb 7 18:17:39 GMT 2024

Am Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2024, 11:48:57 CET schrieb Ben Cooksley:
> All of the Games Flatpak failures are caused by
> https://invent.kde.org/games/libkdegames/-/commit/023d1a7b173f9d28453a0268e9
> 1ad1ccb47054b9 I intend to revert that commit in 24 hours unless a suitable
> explaination can be provided as to why 6.0.0 is actually required.
> All that commit has done is cause unnecessary breakage as I can't see
> commits before or after it that justify that bump.

The purpose of the commits (to libkdegames & libkmahjongg, actually planned to 
do for all of kdegames repos for consistency) has been to test that things 
still build  everywhere when the major version in the min required KF version 
is changed (5.x to 6.x).
As such major version number change has been the cause for issues in the past, 
as some logic relies on that number sometimes.
So it felt better also tested with KF6 now before the 6.0.0 release (compare 
e.g. the struggles Plasma has had with its major version number-based logic 

And while those commits are the trigger, the cause is the design flaw of the 
flatpak jobs on "CI", which now exclude KF from CI & CD on the development 
branches, restrict the use of KF API to released versions.

To get things rolling again for now, I have reverted the two commits now, 
removing the trigger again.

I hope people find a solution to that challenge 
they created here though, because this seems a bit the tail (packaging/
delivery) wagging with the body (development).

If things break somewhere over the major version number in the dep version, I 
can say I tried ;)


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