Guidelins for one codebase that builds with Qt5 and Qt6?

Julius Künzel julius.kuenzel at
Tue Aug 6 08:27:26 BST 2024

Hi Halla,

you may also want to take a look at Kdenlive. Due to its complexity we also supported both Qt versions during the portion. Yet we have Qt6 as default and use it everywhere but still have Qt5 support which we plan to drop soon.


06.08.2024 09:23:39 Halla Rempt <halla at>:

> On maandag 5 augustus 2024 18:49:52 CEST Tobias Leupold wrote:
>> E-Mail von Halla Rempt vom Montag, 5. August 2024, 16:15:19 MESZ:
>>> Hi,
>>> We're finally working on porting Krita to Qt6, but that's going to be a long
>>> road. I seem to remember that there were KDE apps that could be built with
>>> both Qt6/Kf6 and Qt5/Kf5. Did I remember that right? And if so, is there
>>> some howto or documentation for that?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Halla
>> Hi,
>> for , I just set a "QT6" cmake switch
>> (on/off) to decide if a Qt 5 or a Qt 6 build should be done. Just look at the
>> CMakeFiles.txt, it's quite easy this way (I also do this exactly like that for
>> ; that's Qt-only, no KF, but after all, it's the same
>> approach).
> I think I'll take that approach.
>> I think this depends on how much effort it would be to support both versions.
>> For Scandoc, it wasn't much, so I decided to support Qt/KF 5 and 6 for now.
>> That's also what I think I'll do for KGeoTag, once Marble will be ported to Qt
>> 6.
>> If it's a lot of work and/or manpower is limited (it's always, isn't it?!) it
>> may be better to do a Qt-6-only port. That's what we're just doing for
>> KPhotoAlbum.
> That's what I tried at first, but it soon became clear that while actual porting is mostly mechanical, making Krita actually work with Qt6 is going to be a long process. We cannot afford to not be able to release Krita again for half a year or longer, so we have to find a way to keep releasing a working Krita while keeping the Qt6 port up to date in the face of huge projects like the text shape refactoring.
>> I don't think there's some official guideline about this, no?
>> Cheers, Tobias

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