Goal selection: please help refine the proposals

Lydia Pintscher lydia at kde.org
Fri Aug 2 19:10:45 BST 2024

Hi everyone,

(This time also sending this to kde-devel for everyone not subscribed
to the kde-community.)

Please do help get the proposals we have in shape for voting, which
starts on August 15th so a little less than 2 weeks from now. There
are still a few that need some love or even champions to make them
eligible for voting. If there is a proposal you care about please make
sure it has all the necessary information and support.


On Sat, Jul 6, 2024 at 7:00 PM Lydia Pintscher <lydia at kde.org> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> We have gotten 44 proposals for KDE's new goals. Now it is time to
> refine them before the vote. It would be great if you could spend a
> few minutes helping with this.
> What is needed? Some of the proposals are already in decent shape but
> others still need quite a bit of help to make them eligible for voting
> and then have a chance in the vote. So please have a look at the
> proposals at https://phabricator.kde.org/tag/goal_setting_2024/ and
> help get them in good shape.
> Some questions to help you during the refinement phase:
> * Does it have an understandable/catchy title?
> * Is the description complete and understandable?
> * Is there a team of goal champions? Do you care enough about it to
> join the team? (Goals without at least 1 champion will not move
> forward to the vote.)
> * Is this something more than 1 team in KDE can contribute to?
> * Are you willing to help make the goal happen? Add your name to the list.
> * Is there already other relevant work ongoing that should be mentioned?
> * Are there teams or people who should be made aware of the proposal?
> * Is the proposal actually at the level of a goal or still more a
> feature request? Can it be changed to be a suitable goal?
> As always please don't hesitate to ask if you have questions. You can
> also join the Matrix room here: https://matrix.to/#/#goals:kde.org
> Cheers
> Lydia
> --
> Lydia Pintscher - https://lydiapintscher.de - WD:Q18016466
> KDE e.V. Board of Directors
> http://kde.org - http://open-advice.org

Lydia Pintscher - https://lydiapintscher.de - WD:Q18016466
KDE e.V. Board of Directors
http://kde.org - http://open-advice.org

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