Proposal unify back our release schedules

Valorie Zimmerman valorie.zimmerman at
Sat Apr 20 22:34:45 BST 2024

On Fri, Apr 19, 2024 at 9:39 AM Kevin Ottens <ervin at> wrote:

> Hello,
> ::most history snipped::

> ....And then have a single big marketing
> announcement for a Plasma x.y.2 per year with its own marketing name.
> ::snip::

> > * Only have one release announcement on our website. We can call it
> > Megarelease 6.XX like we did for Plasma 6/Gear 24.02 or find a better
> name.
> > I would avoid reusing Software Collection first because the name is quite
> > technical and second because these was already used in the past.
> Sure, why not. This is not engineering I'm less opinionated about it.
> Apart
> from decoupling more between engineering effort and marketing
> announcements
> that is.
> Maybe reconsider the "Megarelease" term though... I've literally been
> laughed
> at for the use of that term outside of our community. Also, I think it was
> a
> fine term for a one off when moving on a major new version of Qt, but
> it'll
> get old quickly for the "business as usual".

I suggest that if we move to do any sort of more infrequent "mega releases"
we call it KDE Community Software Release or similar. "KDE" is shorthand
for our community, after all; why not spell it out.


> Again no strong opinion there, but I thought I'd mention what I've seen
> around
> me.
> Regards.
> --
> Kevin Ottens,
> enioka Haute Couture - proud supporting member of KDE

she/her. "Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself
running with them." - Marcus Aurelius
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