Fwd: KDE Eco meetup, Wed. 20 September 17-18h UTC | Sustainable Software goal

Joseph P. De Veaugh-Geiss joseph at kde.org
Wed Sep 20 14:51:12 BST 2023

For those interested in measuring the energy consumption of software, 
please join the KDE Eco meetup tonight at 17 UTC for a presentation of 
KEcoLab (see below for details, including BBB link).

KEcoLab is the GSoC project of Karanjot Singh. The tool enables you to 
measure the energy consumption of software remotely using a CI/CD 
pipeline in GitLab. Here is the repository:


Hope to see many of you there!


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: KDE Eco meetup, Wed. 20 September 17-18h UTC | Sustainable 
Software goal
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2023 11:56:51 +0200
From: Joseph P. De Veaugh-Geiss <joseph at kde.org>
Organization: KDE e.V.
To: energy-efficiency at kde.org

For a couple of reasons this month we will meet the third Wednesday on 
Wed. *20 September*!

All are invited to join to make progress on the Sustainable Software goal.

This meetup will be particularly exciting: it coincides with the launch 
of the KEcoLab, which Karanjot will present to the community! We will 
also discuss integration of KEcoLab into the development pipeline as 
well as measuring with Selenium.

Looking forward to seeing many of you there :) I will send a reminder 
closer to the date.


*When*: Wed. 20 September 17-18h UTC (ics calendar attached)

*Where*: https://meet.kde.org/b/jos-l59-2i1-9yt

*Topic*: Ideas under discussion are collected at this pad -- please add 
ideas of your own!



For general information about the Sustainable Software goal, see:




Joseph P. De Veaugh-Geiss
KDE Internal Communications & KDE Eco Community Manager
OpenPGP: 8FC5 4178 DC44 AD55 08E7 DF57 453E 5746 59A6 C06F
Matrix: @joseph:kde.org

Generally available Monday-Thursday from 10-16h CET/CEST. Outside of 
these times it may take a little longer for me to respond.

KDE Eco: Building Energy-Efficient Free Software!
Website: https://eco.kde.org
Mastodon: @be4foss at floss.social
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