Frameworks / Plasma/ Gear Release Schedule Plan

Justin Zobel justin.zobel at
Wed Sep 13 12:23:41 BST 2023

In regards to Flatpak we're looking at building an Sdk to build against 
KF6 in the near future.

On 13/9/23 17:46, christoph at wrote:
> On 2023-09-13 09:07, David Redondo wrote:
>> Am Dienstag, 12. September 2023, 21:42:37 CEST schrieb 
>> christoph at
>>> Hi,
>>> i prepared some merge request for the switch in the meta data:
>>> A question about the CMake changes:
>>> Is there some preferred way to switch?
>>> I would just alter the defaults to
>>> set(QT_REQUIRED_VERSION "6.4.0")
>>> set(QT_MAJOR_VERSION "6")
>>> set(KF_MIN_VERSION "5.240.0")
>>> set(KF_MAJOR_VERSION "6")
>>> in the first step and start later to remove the version ifs.
>> For Gear the minimum versions are changed by the individual projects, 
>> last
>> time I looked there was also no consistent naming of these CMake 
>> variables,
>> not have a  'KF_MAJOR_VERSION' variable at all. (Actually I never seen a
>> KF_MAJOR_VERSION variable before, so maybe only Kate?).
>> For reference Frameworks right now requires at least Qt 6.5.
>> I think explicitely setting QT_MAJOR_VERSION to 6 is not needed, 
>> including ECM
>> with 5.240 will enable using Qt 6 install paths. (Of course it 
>> doesn't hurt to
>> be explicit)
> Ok, I will just be explicit there atm.
> One other question: I assume at the moment the move to KF6 means I 
> must disable
> the Flatpak CI part?
> Greetings
> Christoph
>>> Greetings
>>> Christoph
>> David

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