KDE Gear 24.02 bug fix releases and next Gear releases

Heiko Becker heiko.becker at kde.org
Mon Nov 27 07:57:26 GMT 2023

Hi everyone,

the question of the next Gear release (after 24.02) came up in #kde-devel 
yesterday evening. Due to this, it also occured to me that we haven't 
scheduled any bug fix releases for 24.02 itself. Which is a bit connected 
to the first question, because I guess we don't want too many stable 
branches at the same time (as in more than 1 really).

I mostly see three options, but of course please chime if you think of 
something else:

a) Continue with the usual dates, eg. 24.04 and 24.08. (or omitting 24.04 
and continue with 24.08 right away)

b) Continue with the usual interval, so 24.06, 24.10 and so on

c) Slightly change the interval to come back to the proven schedule with 
its nice numbers divisible by 4, so something like, 24.05 and 24.08.

Personally, I'd favour b) or c). I think a) is either too short or too 
long. Not sure how b) would interact with holiday schedules, exams or 
distro releases though.


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