Bug Safari Project

Nate Graham nate at kde.org
Fri Nov 3 20:06:29 GMT 2023

Very nice! I'm happy with it.


On 10/27/23 03:00, Ben Bonacci wrote:
> The new room is now ready and can be accessed with the following URL: 
> https://go.kde.org/matrix/#/#bugsafari-plasma:kde.org
> Also, I'm aware that the deltas are incorrectly inverted which I will 
> fix soon.
> Regards,
> Ben
> On 29/8/23 21:32, Ben Bonacci wrote:
>> I filed a sysadmin request a while ago about setting up a Matrix 
>> account on KDE's homeserver for the script to run from as well as 
>> making a room for this test however I have not received further 
>> details yet.
>> Until then, I'll use my homeserver to test it out more formally. I've 
>> created a public room where the script will generate reports for 
>> Plasma bugs. The room URL is as follows: 
>> https://go.benbonacci.com/bug-safari-demo-room
>> As soon as the Matrix setup is ready on KDE's homeserver, the test 
>> room and account will be migrated there and I'll continue to manage 
>> the script itself during that time too. Then if the testing goes well 
>> it should be fairly easy to move reports into the Plasma room and find 
>> someone to manage the script full-time.
>> Regards,
>> Ben
>> On 15/8/23 10:39, Nate Graham wrote:
>>> +Justin
>>> Very cool. Can we see it in action anywhere? Maybe we could test 
>>> rolling it out somewhere?
>>> Nate
>>> On 8/11/23 20:03, Ben Bonacci wrote:
>>>> Thanks for the list of suggestions! I've now made all those changes 
>>>> with an exception for the emoticons which I may revisit later.
>>>> And to add onto the first suggestion, the script still works with 
>>>> non-Plasma bugs if other teams want to use it by modifying 
>>>> bug_lists.json but the bug report name can be set to show what the 
>>>> bugs are for.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Ben
>>>> On 29/7/23 04:07, Nate Graham wrote:
>>>>> Thanks, looks like a great start! Can we get the following changes 
>>>>> (Justin's bot already does these things):
>>>>> - Clarify in the announcement text that this is for Plasma only
>>>>> - Make the text into clickable links so people can find the bugs 
>>>>> and go fix them
>>>>> - Fix the "VHI priority bugs" query; that seems wrong and it should 
>>>>> be [1]
>>>>> - Mention the delta from yesterday's numbers in parentheses
>>>>> - Optional: add emojis to each one for a bit of fun; see Justin's 
>>>>> script for details
>>>>> Thanks again for working on this!
>>>>> Nate
>>>>> [1] 
>>>>> https://bugs.kde.org/buglist.cgi?bug_severity=critical&bug_severity=grave&bug_severity=major&bug_severity=crash&bug_severity=normal&bug_severity=minor&bug_severity=task&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=CONFIRMED&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&known_name=VHI-priority%20Plasma%20bugs&list_id=2429682&priority=VHI&product=Bluedevil&product=Breeze&product=Discover&product=drkonqi&product=frameworks-kirigami&product=frameworks-plasma&product=frameworks-qqc2-desktop-style&product=kactivitymanagerd&product=kde-gtk-config&product=kdeplasma-addons&product=khelpcenter&product=kinfocenter&product=klipper&product=kmenuedit&product=krunner&product=KScreen&product=kscreenlocker&product=ksmserver&product=ksysguard&product=KSystemLog&product=kwin&product=Plasma%20SDK&product=Plasma%20Vault&product=Plasma%20Workspace%20Wallpapers&product=plasma-integration&product=plasma-nm&product=plasma-pa&product=plasma-simplemenu&product=plasmashell&product=policykit-kde-agent-1&product=Powerdevil&product=print-manager&product=printer-applet&product=pulseaudio-qt&product=systemsettings&product=Touchpad-KCM&product=user-manager&product=xdg-desktop-portal-kde&query_based_on=VHI-priority%20Plasma%20bugs&query_format=advanced
>>>>> On 7/24/23 05:00, Ben Bonacci wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Nate,
>>>>>> I've recorded the script in action which can be accessed with this 
>>>>>> link: https://benbonacci.com/files/shares/1w-bug-safari-demo.mp4 
>>>>>> (Expires in 1 week)
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Ben
>>>>>> On 23/7/23 23:43, Nate Graham wrote:
>>>>>>> Very cool stuff. Can we see it in action anywhere?
>>>>>>> Nate
>>>>>>> On 7/23/23 01:38, Ben Bonacci wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Ben,
>>>>>>>> Thanks for the suggestion! Now after each request the script 
>>>>>>>> will wait 1-5 seconds before making the next request.
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> Ben
>>>>>>>> On 22/7/23 22:30, Ben Cooksley wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Jul 23, 2023 at 12:18 AM Ben Bonacci 
>>>>>>>>> <ben at benbonacci.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>     Hi everyone!
>>>>>>>>> Hi Ben,
>>>>>>>>>     For the past few days I've been working on Bug Safari, 
>>>>>>>>> which is a
>>>>>>>>>     Python
>>>>>>>>>     script that gets statistics for Plasma bugs and sends a 
>>>>>>>>> report to the
>>>>>>>>>     #plasma room on Matrix, which is one of the dot points for 
>>>>>>>>> KDE's
>>>>>>>>>     Automation goal.
>>>>>>>>>     I've now got the script uploaded to Invent at
>>>>>>>>> https://invent.kde.org/bbonacci/bug-safari for anyone to look
>>>>>>>>>     over, make
>>>>>>>>>     improvements or implement.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks for this, I have just had a quick look over the code and 
>>>>>>>>> it overall looks pretty reasonable, and also follows best 
>>>>>>>>> practice of setting it's own user agent.
>>>>>>>>> One small suggestion would be to add some small sleeps in to 
>>>>>>>>> ensure that the server endpoints don't get hammered by your 
>>>>>>>>> requests.
>>>>>>>>> While the script by itself is fairly innocent, if similar 
>>>>>>>>> scripts were added for a series of other channels and they all 
>>>>>>>>> ran at the same time, this could result in a rush on the server 
>>>>>>>>> that could make it inaccessible to normal users (or at the very 
>>>>>>>>> least impact responsiveness).
>>>>>>>>> Adding some sleeps (ideally for a random number of seconds as 
>>>>>>>>> people tend to pick the same cron times to run stuff on) will 
>>>>>>>>> ensure this doesn't become an issue.
>>>>>>>>>     Regards,
>>>>>>>>>     Ben
>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>> Ben
>>>>>>>>>     --     Ben Bonacci
>>>>>>>>> https://benbonacci.com
>>>>>>>>>     C0A9 E67F 8CDC B1A1 0860 1807 E018 065C C7DF 3976
>>>>>>>>>     Quote of the Day: "What's the good of living if you don't 
>>>>>>>>> try a
>>>>>>>>>     few things?" - Charles M. Schulz
>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>> Ben Bonacci
>>>>>>>> https://benbonacci.com
>>>>>>>> C0A9 E67F 8CDC B1A1 0860 1807 E018 065C C7DF 3976
>>>>>>>> Quote of the Day: "If you only read the books that everyone else 
>>>>>>>> is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking." 
>>>>>>>> - Haruki Murakami
>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> Ben Bonacci
>>>>>> https://benbonacci.com
>>>>>> C0A9 E67F 8CDC B1A1 0860 1807 E018 065C C7DF 3976
>>>>>> Quote of the Day: "It does not matter how slowly you go as long as 
>>>>>> you do not stop." - Confucius

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