Grafana Update

Ben Cooksley bcooksley at
Sun Jun 4 07:58:47 BST 2023

Good morning all,

Just a small heads up that this afternoon i've completed migrating our
Grafana instance that supports reporting for our Telemetry, as well as
provides the CI dashboards to a new server.

As part of this transition we've received updates to Grafana itself, as
well as the Gitlab CI Pipelines Exporter that we use. Among other things,
this means that our CI dashboards will now be able to start reporting on
whether tests are failing / passing / etc.

If anyone would like to look into changes to, or improvements to, the CI
dashboards please get in touch and i'll give you the necessary permissions
on Grafana. This is an area that anyone (even a non-developer who is keen
to get involved) could certainly get into.

The existing dashboards could definitely do with significant improvement
(and are something I put together to show what could be done, rather than
anything permanent).

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