Season of KDE Proposal: Rust wrapper for KConfig

Ayush Singh ayushdevel1325 at
Mon Jan 10 08:26:15 GMT 2022

On Sun, Jan 9, 2022 at 4:28 AM Loren Burkholder
<computersemiexpert at> wrote:
> I second that comment. I'd personally love to see Qt gain the ability to be easily used from any programming language (OK, maybe not C, but you get the point). Obviously, this project isn't going to affect all of Qt, but adding future support for more languages than C++ is a really smart idea IMO.
> Loren

Thanks. I totally agree. Rust also currently has a lot of momentum and
no defacto GUI framework which makes this a pretty good time too.
Can you direct me to someone who would like to mentor such a project
for SOK? The deadline is approaching for SOK submission. I would
probably work on the bindings even if it is not for SOK but having a
mentor for this would be a lot of help.


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